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  • Title: Intercultural Communication at the Heart of a Translation Quality Assessment Model
  • Title: Cultural Variation and Cultural Creation in Chinese Biographical Writing and Carnegie’s Work
  • European Connections

    Studies in Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics

    European Connections: Studies in Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics is a peer-reviewed series that publishes innovative research monographs, edited volumes as well as translations of key theoretical works. The series focuses on the literary and artistic relations that have shaped and continue to shape European cultures across national, linguistic and media boundaries, leading to vibrant new forms of artistic creation and aesthetic expression. It also wishes to explore relations with non-European cultures with a view to fostering more equitable models of cultural exchange and transfer. The series promotes comparative, intermedial and interdisciplinary approaches, whether studies of specific writers, filmmakers and artists; critical re-evaluations of historical periods (from the medieval to the ultra-contemporary) and movements; or wider theoretical reflections within the fields of comparative literature, intermediality studies and aesthetics. In light of the urgent need to revitalize the idea of Europe along new lines of thought, the series encourages research that explores the rich connections within European artistic and cultural production as well as the participation of European cultures in what the great philosopher of relation Édouard Glissant has called the Tout-monde. The series publishes in English, French and German. Editorial Board: Vincent Ferré (University Paris-Est Créteil), Robin Kirkpatrick (University of Cambridge), Kim Knowles (Aberystwyth University), Frauke Matthes (University of Edinburgh), Jean-Pascal Pouzet (University of Limoges), Marisa Verna (Università Cattolica, Milan)

    54 publications

  • Schola Nisibina - Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin

    ISSN: 2566-6002

    The history of the cultures that share a common Aramaean heritage stretches over 3000 years, but there is a danger that these communities will permanently disappear from the Near East. It is more important than ever to preserve the remainder of their cultural heritage, yet social scientific and cultural studies on these cultures have only just begun. To promote such research, members of Aramaean diaspora created the Research Centre of Aramaean Studies as an academic institute. This centre aims to broaden the perspective of historical investigation of these communities as well as reevaluate models for historical research. Exchange between Aramaean and non-Aramaean scholars will address new problems and questions. The Research Centre of Aramaean Studies publishes their findings in the series Schola Nisibina – Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin. Die Geschichte der aramäisch geprägten Kulturen lässt sich über 3000 Jahre zurückverfolgen, doch ist zu befürchten, dass sie heute im Vorderen Orient endgültig untergehen. Die Reste ihres kulturellen Erbes zu sichern, ist daher dringender geboten denn je, doch noch steht ihre sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Erforschung am Anfang. Um sie voranzutreiben, haben sich aramäische Bürger dazu entschlossen, mit der Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien eine universitäre Institution dafür zu schaffen. Sie trägt zu einer Öffnung der Geschichtswissenschaften und zu einer Überprüfung historischer Modelle bei. Im Austausch zwischen aramäischen und nichtaramäischen Wissenschaftlern werden neue Fragestellungen erprobt. In der Reihe Schola Nisibina – Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin veröffentlicht die Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien ihre Ergebnisse.

    4 publications

  • Title: Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse

    Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse

    A Contribution to Macropragmatics
    by Olga Mladenova (Author) 2004
    ©2004 Monographs
  • Title: Philologie, Typologie und Sprachstruktur- Philology, Typology and Language Structure

    Philologie, Typologie und Sprachstruktur- Philology, Typology and Language Structure

    Festschrift für Winfried Boeder zum 65. Geburtstag- Festschrift for Winfried Boeder on the occasion of his 65 th Birthday
    by Wolfram Bublitz (Volume editor) Manfred von Roncador (Volume editor) Heinz Vater (Volume editor)
    ©2002 Others
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