

25 results
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  • Title: Artistik, Ironie und Gewalt bei Knut Hamsun

    Artistik, Ironie und Gewalt bei Knut Hamsun

    Aufsätze, Vorträge, Artikel, Essays und Interview
    by Walter Baumgartner (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • MIMOS – Schweizer Jahrbuch Darstellende Künste

    ISSN: 0026-4385

    The MIMOS series addresses professionals in the field of the performing arts and an interested general public. The richly illustrated volumes contain contributions from specialists and artists in German, French, Italian and English. Since 2021, the Swiss Performing Arts Yearbook MIMOS documented the work of the respective winners of the Swiss Grand Award for the Performing Arts / Hans Reinhart Ring. This award, the highest in Switzerland, honours outstanding artists in the field of performing arts. The award is provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (FOC) in cooperation with the Swiss Association for Theatre Studies (SATS). Laureates may be individuals or institution from dance, theatre, cabaret, performance, contemporary circus, puppet theatre or street art. Until 2020, the series was called MIMOS – Swiss Theatre Yearbook. From 2011 to 2013, each MIMOS edition was dedicated to the artist who the SATS awarded with the Hans Reinhart Ring. From 2014 to 2020, the main focus of the MIMOS Theatre Yearbook was placed on the winner of the Swiss Grand Award for Theatre / Hans Reinhart Ring, awarded by the FOC in cooperation with the SATS. In 2017, a special MIMOS edition was published to mark the triple anniversary: 90 years of the SATS, 60 years of the Hans Reinhart Ring and 25 years of the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Bern. Réalisés par des expertes et artistes du domaine des arts de la scène et richement illustrés, les volumes de la collection MIMOS s’adressent autant aux professionnelles, qu’à un public plus large. Les contributions sont rédigées en allemand, français, italien ainsi qu’en anglais. Depuis 2021, chaque ouvrage de l’Annuaire suisse des arts de la scène MIMOS est consacré au parcours artistique de la personnalité honorée par l’Office fédéral de la culture (OFC), en coopération avec la Société suisse du théâtre (SST), du Grand Prix suisse des arts de la scène / Anneau Hans Reinhart. Il s’agit de la plus haute distinction suisse décernée une fois par an à une ou un artiste ou institution issues de la danse, du théâtre, du cabaret, de la performance, du cirque contemporain, du théâtre de marionnettes ou des arts de la rue. Entre 2011 et 2013, sous le nom de MIMOS – Annuaire suisse du théâtre, les ouvrages de la collection étaient entièrement consacrés à la lauréate ou au lauréat de l’Anneau Hans Reinhart, attribué par la SST. Après, entre 2014 et 2020, la SST s’est penchée dans le cadre de sa collection MIMOS sur la trajectoire de l’artiste que l’OFC et la SST ont honoré par le Grand Prix suisse de théâtre / Anneau Hans Reinhart. En outre, en 2017 est paru un numéro spécial de MIMOS pour fêter un triple anniversaire : les 90 ans de la Société suisse du théâtre SST, les 60 ans de l’Anneau Hans Reinhart et les 25 ans de l’Institut d’études théâtrales de l’Université de Berne. Die Buchreihe MIMOS richtet sich an Fachleute aus dem Bereich der darstellenden Künste wie auch an ein interessiertes Publikum. Die reich bebilderten Bände enthalten Beiträge von Spezialist:innen und Künstler:innen in deutscher, französischer, italienischer und englischer Sprache. Seit 2021 dokumentiert das Schweizer Jahrbuch Darstellende Künste MIMOS das Wirken der Trägerin bzw. des Trägers des Schweizer Grand Prix Darstellende Künste / Hans-Reinhart-Rings. Mit dieser höchsten Auszeichnung im Bereich der darstellenden Künste ehrt das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) in Kooperation mit der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Theaterkultur (SGTK) jedes Jahr eine herausragende Persönlichkeit oder Institution aus Tanz, Theater, Kleinkunst, Performance, zeitgenössischer Zirkus, Figurentheater oder Strassenkunst. Bis 2020 hiess die Reihe MIMOS – Schweizer Theater-Jahrbuch. Von 2011 bis 2013 waren die einzelnen Bände den Künstler:innen gewidmet, die von der SGTK mit dem Hans-Reinhart-Ring ausgezeichnet wurden. Von 2014 bis 2020 würdigte das MIMOS-Theaterjahrbuch die Gewinnerin bzw. den Gewinner des vom BAK gemeinsam mit der SGTK verliehenen Schweizer Grand Prix Theater / Hans-Reinhart-Rings. Im Jahr 2017 erschien ausserdem ein Sonderband von MIMOS zum dreifachen Jubiläum: 90 Jahre SGTK, 60 Jahre Hans-Reinhart-Ring und 25 Jahre Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Universität Bern.

    16 publications

  • Austrian Culture

    The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome. The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome. The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome.

    43 publications

  • Title: Stilwandel im Eiskunstlauf

    Stilwandel im Eiskunstlauf

    Eine Ästhetik- und Kulturgeschichte
    by Matthias Hampe (Author)
    ©1994 Thesis
  • European Connections

    Studies in Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics

    European Connections: Studies in Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics is a peer-reviewed series that publishes innovative research monographs, edited volumes as well as translations of key theoretical works. The series focuses on the literary and artistic relations that have shaped and continue to shape European cultures across national, linguistic and media boundaries, leading to vibrant new forms of artistic creation and aesthetic expression. It also wishes to explore relations with non-European cultures with a view to fostering more equitable models of cultural exchange and transfer. The series promotes comparative, intermedial and interdisciplinary approaches, whether studies of specific writers, filmmakers and artists; critical re-evaluations of historical periods (from the medieval to the ultra-contemporary) and movements; or wider theoretical reflections within the fields of comparative literature, intermediality studies and aesthetics. In light of the urgent need to revitalize the idea of Europe along new lines of thought, the series encourages research that explores the rich connections within European artistic and cultural production as well as the participation of European cultures in what the great philosopher of relation Édouard Glissant has called the Tout-monde. The series publishes in English, French and German. Editorial Board: Vincent Ferré (University Paris-Est Créteil), Robin Kirkpatrick (University of Cambridge), Kim Knowles (Aberystwyth University), Frauke Matthes (University of Edinburgh), Jean-Pascal Pouzet (University of Limoges), Marisa Verna (Università Cattolica, Milan)

    54 publications

  • Women, Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 1094-6233

    Women, Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Culture welcomes proposals for monographs and rigorously edited essay collections focusing on the work of women and LGBTQ+ creators as well as the representation of women, gender and/or sexuality in literature, media and culture. The series contributes to efforts to broaden the German-language canon by publishing pioneering studies of relatively unknown writers, artists and filmmakers and cutting-edge assessments of more established figures. Studies of the history of women and LGBTQ+ subjects in German-speaking cultures, such as the participation of women in German, Austrian, Swiss and exile intellectual life and the struggle for equal rights, as well as historical considerations of gender and sexuality in German-speaking countries, are also encouraged. Editorial Board: Clare Bielby (University of York), Helga Druxes (Williams College), Priscilla Layne (University of North Carolina), Ervin Malakaj (University of British Columbia), Helmut Puff (University of Michigan), Anna Richards (Birkbeck University of London), Carrie Smith (University of Alberta), Tom Smith (University of St Andrews), Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford), Yasemin Yildiz (University of California, Los Angeles)

    19 publications

  • Feuchtwanger Studies

    This series focuses on the life and work of the internationally celebrated German writer Lion Feuchtwanger (1884–1958), whose works have been translated into many languages. Of particular interest are topics such as Feuchtwanger’s role as a critic of Weimar Germany and the rise of Nazism, his years of exile in France (1933–40) and in the United States (1940–58), his achievements as a proponent of the historical novel, and his reception both in Germany and in the wider world. The series presents Feuchtwanger in the context of his times, paying special attention to his years in Southern California and his relationships with other leading cultural figures of the era. With Feuchtwanger at its core, the series explores the multinational literary and intellectual network that resulted from German and Austrian exile under Nationalism Socialism: from Paris to Vienna, Los Angeles to London, Buenos Aires to Tel Aviv, and New York to Moscow. Contributions present cutting-edge research elaborating on the intricate relations of literary locations, emotional spaces and biographies characteristic of these important writers, artists and filmmakers. Books in the series will be of interest to those working in German studies, exile studies, Jewish studies, gender studies and film studies. Volumes in the series include selections of refereed and reworked papers from the biennial conferences of the International Feuchtwanger Society as well as specially commissioned monographs relating to Marta and Lion Feuchtwanger, their circle and contemporaries.

    11 publications

  • Exile Studies

    Exile Studies is a series of monographs and edited collections that takes a broad view of exile, including the life and work of refugees from National Socialism, and beyond. The series explores the different global and cultural spaces of exile and refuge as well as the specific historical, political and social concerns of exile writers and artists. The series engages with recent theoretical approaches to exile to shed new light on the unique conditions of mass flight from National Socialist persecution, with a particular interest in the work of Jewish refugees of the period. A plurality of theoretical approaches is encouraged, featuring research that reaches beyond national frameworks or disciplinary boundaries and takes multi-directional, transcultural or comparative approaches. The series aims to make connections to studies on more recent groups of refugees and to contribute to current debates. Themes include persecution, exclusion and delocalization, legacies of displacement, loss and acculturation as well as the creation of new homes and networks. The series promotes dialogue among transnational, Jewish and memory studies, and among diaspora, Holocaust and postcolonial studies. It invites research that acknowledges questions of gender, race, class, religion and ethnicity as indispensable tools for understanding the cultural processes connected to the lives and works of refugees and exiles.

    28 publications

  • Schriften zur Bildenden Kunst

    Papers on Art

    ISSN: 1431-7311

    This series of art historical studies concentrates on the periods from the Renaissance to Modernism. Topics classified under Contemporary Artwill only be included only in exceptional cases. Papers on Art are primarily aiming at the monographic investigation of sculpture, painting, graphic art, and arts and crafts, comprehensive studies will be incorporated on a case-by-case basis. The term monographic is used broadly, comprising monographs dealing with the œuvre of one artist, treatises considering partial aspects, as well as studies of a particular work. Diese Reihe kunsthistorischer Studien ist zwischen Renaissance und Moderne angesiedelt, die Kunst der Gegenwart sollte indes nur ausnahmsweise berücksichtigt werden. Primär steht diese Reihe für monographische Untersuchungen zu den Themenbereichen der Bildenden Künste (also Skulptur, Malerei, Graphik, Kunsthandwerk) offen, im Einzelfall können auch übergreifende Darstellungen aufgenommen werden. Zudem wird der Begriff monographisch bewusst weit gefasst: So kann es sich sowohl um Studien zum Gesamtœuvre eines Künstlers als auch zu Teilaspekten desselben handeln, desgleichen um Monographien zum einzelnen Werk.

    8 publications

  • Title: MIMOS 2017

    MIMOS 2017

    Ursina Lardi
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) Yvonne Schmidt (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: MIMOS 2019

    MIMOS 2019

    Cie Yan Duyvendak
    by Paola Gilardi (Volume editor) Delphine Abrecht (Volume editor) Anne Fournier (Volume editor) Andreas Klaeui (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: , ed. Jace Stuckey. Explorations in Medieval Culture, 15. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022, ix, 277 pp., 9 color ill.
  • Title: Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali

    Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali

    by I Wayan MUDRA (Author) I Ketut MUKA P. (Author) I Wayan SUARDANA (Author) Anak Agung Gede Rai REMAWA (Author)
  • Title: Evgeny Khvalkov, . Routledge Research in Medieval Studies, 11. New York and London: Routledge, 2018, xiv, 443 pp., 10 fig., 7 tables.
  • Title: Patrick Gautier Dalché, Marie-Rose Bonnet and Philippe Rigaud, eds. and trans., Bertrand Boysset, . Textes vernaculaires du Moyen Age 20. Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.
  • Title: Gemeinsam/Together


    Kognitiv beeinträchtigte Menschen in europäischen Theatern – Theorie und Praxis/People with Learning Disabilities in European Theatres – Theory and Practice. Unter Mitarbeit von Soledad Pereyra
    by Susanne Hartwig (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: 9 The Point of Study Practices Is to Discover the Kind of Questions That We “Also” Should Ask
  • Title: Der Erste Weltkrieg in Literatur, Künsten und Wissenschaft La Première Guerre mondiale dans la littérature, les arts et les sciences

    Der Erste Weltkrieg in Literatur, Künsten und Wissenschaft La Première Guerre mondiale dans la littérature, les arts et les sciences

    Kriegserfahrung und intellektuelle Gegenwehr Expérience de la guerre et résistance intellectuelle
    by Françoise Lartillot (Volume editor) Ina Ulrike Paul (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Die Freiburger Glasmalerei des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts / Le vitrail fribourgeois du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle

    Die Freiburger Glasmalerei des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts / Le vitrail fribourgeois du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle

    Corpus Vitrearum Schweiz: Reihe Neuzeit. Bd. 6 / Corpus Vitrearum Suisse: Époque moderne. Vol. 6
    by Uta Bergmann (Author)
    ©2015 Others
  • Title: Theater für Alle?

    Theater für Alle?

    Partizipation von Postmigranten am Beispiel der Bühnen der Stadt Köln
    by Azadeh Sharifi (Author) 2012
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Kulturpolitik und Politik der Kultur- Cultural Politics and the Politics of Culture

    Kulturpolitik und Politik der Kultur- Cultural Politics and the Politics of Culture

    Festschrift für Alexander Stephan- Essays to Honor Alexander Stephan
    by Helen Fehervary (Volume editor) Bernd Fischer (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Others
  • Title: Mozart – eine Herausforderung für Literatur und Denken / Mozart – A Challenge for Literature and Thought

    Mozart – eine Herausforderung für Literatur und Denken / Mozart – A Challenge for Literature and Thought

    unter Mitarbeit von Carly McLaughlin
    by Rüdiger Görner (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Leben ohne Wirklichkeit - Schreiben gegen das Untergehen

    Leben ohne Wirklichkeit - Schreiben gegen das Untergehen

    Drei Studien zum erzählerischen Werk E.Y. Meyers
    by Martin Durrer (Author)
    ©1989 Others
  • Title: Impressionismus in der deutschen Dichtung

    Impressionismus in der deutschen Dichtung

    by Hartmut Marhold (Author)
    ©1986 Others
  • Title: Literarästhetisches Modell und Wertung

    Literarästhetisches Modell und Wertung

    Ein Versuch mit Textbeispielen
    by Renate Löffler (Author)
    ©1977 Others
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