

75 results
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  • Title: 4 Being Seized by an Idea: Socrates’s Daydreams, Theory of the Event, and the Experience of Study
  • Title: Die Bezeichnung «experience» im Werk John Deweys

    Die Bezeichnung «experience» im Werk John Deweys

    Eine Untersuchung zur historischen Semantik im sozialwissenschaftlichen Kontext
    by Udo Ohm (Author) 2024
    ©1998 Thesis
  • Title: “Der Fluß des Geschehens”: Time and Experience in Hermann Hesse’s  and
  • Title: The First World War and the Balkans: Historic Event, Experience, Memory Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Ereignis, Erfahrung und Erinnerung

    The First World War and the Balkans: Historic Event, Experience, Memory Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Ereignis, Erfahrung und Erinnerung

    53. Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Tutzing 6.-10. Oktober 2014
    by Wolfgang Höpken (Volume editor) Wim van Meurs (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Quarantines: Framing Romantic Narratives of Extinction and Epidemic Experience
  • Title: Hermann Hesse and the Butterflies – A Journey from Innocence to Experience and Back
  • Title: The Experience of Space

    The Experience of Space

    The Privileged Role of Spacial Prefixation in Czech and Russian
    by Sarah Shull (Author) 2003
    ©2003 Thesis
  • Title: Der Erste Weltkrieg in Literatur, Künsten und Wissenschaft La Première Guerre mondiale dans la littérature, les arts et les sciences

    Der Erste Weltkrieg in Literatur, Künsten und Wissenschaft La Première Guerre mondiale dans la littérature, les arts et les sciences

    Kriegserfahrung und intellektuelle Gegenwehr Expérience de la guerre et résistance intellectuelle
    by Françoise Lartillot (Volume editor) Ina Ulrike Paul (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Issues in Systematic Theology

    This series emphasizes issues in contemporary systematic theology but is open to theological issues from the past. Works in this series seek to explore such issues as the relation of reason and revelation, experience and doctrine, the meaning of revelation, method in theology, Trinitarian Theology, the doctrine of God, Christology, sacraments and the Church. Of course other issues such as ecumenical relations or specific doctrinal studies on topics such as predestination or studies evaluating particular influential theologians may be considered. Authors whose work is critical, constructive, and ecumenical are encouraged to consider this series. One of the aims of this series is to illustrate that Christian systematic theologians from different denominations may seek and find Christian unity through dialogue on those central issues that unite them in their quest for truth. This series emphasizes issues in contemporary systematic theology but is open to theological issues from the past. Works in this series seek to explore such issues as the relation of reason and revelation, experience and doctrine, the meaning of revelation, method in theology, Trinitarian Theology, the doctrine of God, Christology, sacraments and the Church. Of course other issues such as ecumenical relations or specific doctrinal studies on topics such as predestination or studies evaluating particular influential theologians may be considered. Authors whose work is critical, constructive, and ecumenical are encouraged to consider this series. One of the aims of this series is to illustrate that Christian systematic theologians from different denominations may seek and find Christian unity through dialogue on those central issues that unite them in their quest for truth. This series emphasizes issues in contemporary systematic theology but is open to theological issues from the past. Works in this series seek to explore such issues as the relation of reason and revelation, experience and doctrine, the meaning of revelation, method in theology, Trinitarian Theology, the doctrine of God, Christology, sacraments and the Church. Of course other issues such as ecumenical relations or specific doctrinal studies on topics such as predestination or studies evaluating particular influential theologians may be considered. Authors whose work is critical, constructive, and ecumenical are encouraged to consider this series. One of the aims of this series is to illustrate that Christian systematic theologians from different denominations may seek and find Christian unity through dialogue on those central issues that unite them in their quest for truth.

    11 publications

  • Title: Translator Competence Revisited in the Scenario of Digital Genre
  • Title: Intercultural Incompetence: A Case Study on Systematic Culturalizations of Interpersonal Interaction
  • Title: Langeweile in kaufmännischen Unterrichtsprozessen

    Langeweile in kaufmännischen Unterrichtsprozessen

    Entstehung und Wirkung emotionalen Erlebens ungenutzter Zeitpotentiale
    by Kristina Kögler (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Thesis
  • Pegisha – Begegnung / Pegisha – Encounters

    Jüdische Studien / Jewish Studies

    The series Pegisha Encounters. Jewish Studies is a forum for connecting inquiries on literary theory and philosophy with studies of Jewish culture. Its editor is the comparatist Dorothee Gelhard. Special emphasis will be placed on experiences of European modernity. Volumes concerning topics such as cultural remembrance, assimilation or secularization will also be included. Manuscript proposals may be sent directly to the editor. Die Reihe Pegisha Begegnung. Jüdische Studien ist ein Forum, um Studien über jüdische Kultur mit literaturtheoretischen und philosophischen Fragestellungen zu verbinden. Sie wird von der Komparatistin Dorothee Gelhard herausgegeben. Die Erfahrungen mit der europäischen Moderne stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Aufgenommen werden auch Bände, die sich mit Themen wie kultureller Erinnerung, Assimilation oder Säkularisation beschäftigen. Manuskriptvorschläge direkt an die Herausgeberin sind möglich.

    12 publications

  • Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie. Studies in Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology

    ISSN: 1865-083X

    The book series Contributions to Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology has been published since 2010 with the aim of documenting new scientific approaches and topical trends from the highly differentiated fields of educational and rehabilitative psychology. The previous main topics were related to basic phenomena of memory and learning, new learning methods which can be used in school lessons and rehabilitative training, learning and adjustment disorders as well as coping with traumatic experiences e.g., after severe natural disasters, such as the 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia. The monographs and anthologies are edited by certified psychologist, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in German and English. Die Reihe Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie erscheint seit 2010 mit dem Ziel, neue wissenschaftliche Zugänge und aktuelle Trends aus den weit verzweigten Gebieten der Pädagogischen Psychologie und der Rehabilitationspsychologie zu dokumentieren. Schwerpunkte liegen auf Basisphänomenen von Gedächtnis und Lernen, neuen Lernmethoden, die in Unterricht und Rehabilitation Anwendung finden können, Lern- und Anpassungsstörungen sowie der Verarbeitung traumatischer Erlebnisse, z. B. nach schweren Naturkatastrophen wie dem Tsunami 2004 in Südostasien. Die Monographien und Sammelbände werden von Frau Diplompsychologin, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in deutscher und englischer Sprache herausgegeben.

    10 publications

  • Foreign Language Teaching in Europe

    Foreign Language Teaching in Europe is a series focusing on dissemination of ideas, experiences, and research on modern language pedagogy and language teacher education from sources throughout Europe and beyond. This series aspires to represent the field in its diversity and forms a forum for the expansion of contributions on modern language learning. Thus, this series’ ambition is to be of a high quality, and innovative, and to stimulate further research in the field. The editors of this series welcome submissions of monographs and edited volumes in the field of modern language pedagogy. Book proposals may be submitted to the series editor, Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya (mjraya@ugr.es). Foreign Language Teaching in Europe ist eine Buchreihe, die fokussiert ist auf die Verbreitung von Ideen und Erfahrungen sowie auf Forschungsarbeiten zur Pädagogik im Bereich der Fremdsprachenvermittlung durch europäische und außereuropäische Beiträge. Diese Reihe bemüht sich, die Fremdsprachendidaktik in seiner Vielgestaltigkeit darzustellen und bildet ein Forum für die Verbreitung von Beiträgen zum Fremdsprachenlernen. Diese Reihe beansprucht, von hoher Qualität und innovativ zu sein und zu weiterer Forschung auf diesem Gebiet anzuregen. Die Herausgeber dieser Reihe begrüßen das Einreichen von Monographien und Sammelbänden auf dem Gebiet der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Vorschläge für Buchpublikationen sind zu richten an den Herausgeber Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya (mjraya@ugr.es).

    23 publications

  • Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics

    Through the publication of ground-breaking scholarly research, this series deals with language and the multiple and varied paradigms through which it is studied. Language as viewed by linguists represents micrometa-approaches that intersect with macrometa-approaches of semiotists who understand language as an inlay to all experience. This data-based series bridges study of the sciences with that of the humanities.

    84 publications

  • Title: Minority Writing across Cultures: From 彝 (Yi) Literature to World Literature (s)
  • Title: Preparing Students for the Real World of Conference Interpreting – Relay Simultaneous Interpretation Contest
  • Title: 6. Trust, Write with and for Your Body: A Critical Race Counterstory about Academic Writing
  • Title: 1 Some Reflections on Working-Class Ontology and Epistemology—or Why Teaching in Higher Education Needs to Be More Concrete
  • Title: Prefigurations of Intercultural Thinking: Explorations in Ancient Mediterranean and Chinese Sources
  • Title: Man between Sacrum and Profanum in Russian Philosophy in 20th Century

    Man between Sacrum and Profanum in Russian Philosophy in 20th Century

    by Jaromír Feber (Author) Helena Hrehová (Author) Peter Rusnák (Author) 2021
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Title: Der Status von «bekommen» + «zu» + Infinitiv zwischen Modalität und semantischer Perspektivierung
  • Title: Écoles plurilingues – multilingual schools: Konzepte, Institutionen und Akteure

    Écoles plurilingues – multilingual schools: Konzepte, Institutionen und Akteure

    Internationale Perspektiven
    by Gabriele Budach (Volume editor) Jürgen Erfurt (Volume editor) Melanie Kunkel (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Der Begriff der Reinen Erfahrung bei Nishida Kitarà und William James

    Der Begriff der Reinen Erfahrung bei Nishida Kitarà und William James

    Und sein Einfluss auf Nishidas Verständnis von religiöser Erfahrung
    by Maximiliane Demmel (Author)
    ©2004 Thesis
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