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  • Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel / Societies and States in Transformation

    The series “Societies and States in Transformation” offers an interdisciplinary forum for investigations of radical changes in world history with their concomitant social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals. Focus is thus laid on people and societies, both as actors and agencies in processes of transformation and as objects of such changes. These issues are addressed not only in the context of the intense ideological, institutional, and sociological shifts of the 20th Century, but also from deeper historical perspectives, and with a concern for processes currently emerging on the global horizon. The series thus deals with the various forms of expression in time and space that reflect the reactions to the challenges posed by epochal change brought about by the affected societies and nations. It includes works from historical and political science, sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and cultural studies with the aim of facilitating interdisciplinary communication and interaction. Volume 25 concludes the series. Die Publikationsreihe "Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel" bietet ein interdisziplinäres Forum für Beiträge, die auf die großen Umbrüche in der Weltgeschichte mit ihren sozialen, politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen fokussieren. Mensch und Gesellschaften stehen hierbei sowohl als Handelnde als auch als Objekt von Transformationsprozessen im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung, die über den Paradigmenwechsel in der jüngeren Vergangenheit Europas hinaus auch aktuelle Prozesse einer zunehmend global vernetzten Welt ins Blickfeld nimmt. Thema der Reihe sind damit die unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen in Raum und Zeit, in denen sich die Reaktionen der betroffenen Gesellschaften und Staaten auf die Herausforderungen epochalen Wandels zeigen. In diesem interdisziplinären Feld korrespondieren und interagieren Analysen der Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaft, von Soziologie, Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft. Band 25 schließt die Reihe ab.

    23 publications

  • Jazz under State Socialism

    ISSN: 1867-724X

    The series "Jazz under State Socialism" is dedicated to publishing approaches to History and Music. Scholars examine the historical position and foundation of Jazz under the conditions of socialism. The contributions also refer to questions of Sociology and Political Science. The editor Gertrud Pickhan is professor of Central and Eastern European History. The co-editor Rüdiger Ritter (PhD) is a historian and musicologist. Editors' hompages: Prof. Dr. Gertrud Pickhan Dr. Rüdiger Ritter Homepage of the research project: Jazz im "Ostblock"

    14 publications

  • Title: Public Financing of Public Service Broadcasting and its Qualification as State Aid

    Public Financing of Public Service Broadcasting and its Qualification as State Aid

    With Particular Regard to the "Altmark Trans" Jurisprudence
    by Benjamin Linke (Author) 2015
    ©2016 Thesis
  • Title: Schwedische Einwanderer zwischen Akkulturationsprozess und "cultural maintenance" in Seattle/Washington State, 1885−1940
  • Title: Vertrauensforschung 2010: A State of the Art

    Vertrauensforschung 2010: A State of the Art

    by Martin K. W. Schweer (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Doing Gender - Doing the Balkans. Dynamics and Persistence of Gender Relations in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor States

    Doing Gender - Doing the Balkans. Dynamics and Persistence of Gender Relations in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor States

    by Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić (Volume editor) Simone Rajilić (Volume editor) Christian Voß (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: United States Army Special Forces 1952-1974

    United States Army Special Forces 1952-1974

    Untersuchung im Licht der verfügbaren Literatur und Quellen
    by Klaus Buschmann (Author)
    ©1978 Others
  • Title: Umweltaspekte eines umfassenden Qualitätsmanagements

    Umweltaspekte eines umfassenden Qualitätsmanagements

    Konzeption, State of the Art und Umsetzung
    by Joachim Rau (Author)
    ©1999 Thesis
  • Title: Pragmantax II

    Pragmantax II

    Zum aktuellen Stand der Linguistik und ihrer Teildisziplinen. Akten des 43. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Magdeburg 2008 / The Present State of Linguistics and its Sub-Disciplines. Proceedings of the 43rd Linguistics Colloquium, Magdeburg 2008
    by Katrin Schöpe (Volume editor) Renate Belentschikow (Volume editor) Angelika Bergien (Volume editor) Armin Burkhardt (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Staat, institutioneller Wandel und staatliche Leistungsfähigkeit in der Ukraine

    Staat, institutioneller Wandel und staatliche Leistungsfähigkeit in der Ukraine

    Eine Studie zum ukrainischen State Building von 1991 bis 2004
    by Nicole Gallina (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Interamericana

    Inter-American Literary History and Culture / Historia literaria interamericana y sus contextos culturales / Histoire littéraire et culture interaméricaines

    Volume 13 concludes this series. The burgeoning field of Inter-American Studies interrogates the notion of traditionally bounded disciplinary territories while highlighting the United States internal cultural plurality and its multi-faceted interrelatedness with other countries. Focusing on complex forms of interdependence between Anglophone and Francophone Canada, the United States, Latin America as well as the Caribbean, this series is devoted to publications that analyze and reconceptualize American literatures, cultures, histories, borderlands, demographic migrations, as well as environmental and socio-political concerns within a postnational, subaltern, comparative, hemispheric, transatlantic, or transpacific framework. Prior to publication, the works published in this series have been reviewed by external referees appointed by the editorship.

    13 publications

  • Stadtentwicklung. Urban Development

    ISSN: 2366-0708

    Urban development is a key to designing the socio-spatial future of human societies. The book series pursues an interdisciplinary approach towards a wide array of public tasks: from urban design to the supply of local facilities and infrastructure, urban governance and the relationship between state and non-state actors. Urban development is also the arena in which visions about community life and its practical implementation meet. The series focuses on representing overarching topics. While the number of publications on special issues grows exponentially, they often seem to lack contextualization. It is the purpose of this series to close that gap. Besides a specifically German viewpoint, its publications bring international research results into play. The series was earlier published under: Beiträge zur kommunalen und regionalen Planung. Stadtentwicklung ist ein Schlüsselbereich für die Zukunftsgestaltung menschlicher Gesellschaften. Die Buchreihe möchte den Blick aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven auf ein breites Feld öffentlicher Aufgaben richten: vom Städtebau über technische und soziale Infrastrukturen bis zur politischen Steuerung eines Gemeinwesens durch Institutionen und Initiativen. Hier vereinen sich Visionen über das Zusammenleben mit praktischen Fragen seiner Ausgestaltung. Die Sammelbände und Monografien der Reihe sollen jährlich übergreifende Themen in den Mittelpunkt stellen und so zu Überblickswerken werden, die eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen zu Einzelsachverhalten bündeln. Die Reihe rückt neben den Sichten auf die Stadtentwicklung aus deutscher Forschung auch internationale Erkenntnisse in das Blickfeld. Diese Reihe wurde bisher unter dem Titel Beiträge zur kommunalen und regionalen Planung geführt.

    5 publications

  • Imagining Black Europe

    ISSN: 2633-108X

    This series seeks to publish critical and nuanced scholarship in the field of Black European Studies. Moving beyond and building on the Black Atlantic approach, books in this series will underscore the existence, diversity and evolution of Black Europe. They will provide historical, intersectional and interdisciplinary perspectives on how Black diasporic peoples have reconfigured the boundaries of Black identity making, claim making and politics; created counterdiscourses and counterpublics on race, colonialism, postcolonialism and racism; and forged transnational connections and solidarities across Europe and the globe. The series will also illustrate the ways that Black European diasporic peoples have employed intellectual, socio-political, artistic/cultural, affective, digital and pedagogical work to aid their communities and causes, challenge their exclusion and cultivate ties with their allies, thus gaining recognition in their societies and beyond. Representing the field’s dynamic growth methodologically, geographically and culturally, the series will also collectively interrogate notions of Blackness, Black diasporic culture and Europeanness while also challenging the boundaries of Europe. Books in the series will critically examine how race and ethnicity intersect with the themes of gender, nationality, class, religion, politics, kinship, sexuality, affect and the transnational, offering comparative and international perspectives. One of the main goals of the series is to introduce and produce rigorous academic research that connects not only with individuals in academia but also with a broader public. Areas of interest: Social movements Racial discourses and politics Empire, slavery and colonialism Decolonialization and postcolonialism Gender, sexuality and intersectionality Black activism (in all its forms) Racial and political violence and surveillance Racial constructions Diasporic practices Race and racialization in the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary eras Identity, representation and cultural productions (music, art, literature, etc.) Memory Migration and immigration Citizenship State building and diplomacy Nations and nationalisms All proposals and manuscripts will be rigorously peer reviewed. The language of publication is English. We welcome new proposals for monographs and edited collections. Advisory Board: Hakim Adi (Chichester), Robbie Aitken (Sheffield Hallam), Catherine Baker (Hull), Eddie Bruce-Jones (Birkbeck), Alessandra Di Maio (Palermo), Akwugo Emejulu (Warwick), Philomena Essed (Antioch), Crystal Fleming (Stony-Brook), David Theo Goldberg (UC Irvine), Silke Hackenesch (Cologne), Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Humboldt), Nicholas R. Jones (Yale), Silyane Larcher (CNRS), Olivette Otele (SOAS, London), Sue Peabody (Washington State), Kennetta Hammond Perry (Northwestern), Cassander L. Smith (Alabama), S. A. Smythe (Toronto)

    7 publications

  • Title: Suspensions


    Control Processes in Eastern Europe from Iconoclasm to Cybernetics
    by Wladimir Velminski (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Staatsreform und Verwaltungsmodernisierung in Entwicklungsländern

    Staatsreform und Verwaltungsmodernisierung in Entwicklungsländern

    Der Fall Papua-Neuguinea im Südpazifik
    by Roland Seib (Author)
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: Nation-Building als Aspekt des Völkerrechts

    Nation-Building als Aspekt des Völkerrechts

    Friedenssicherung in Nachkonfliktsituationen
    by Franziska Schuierer (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Thesis
  • Title: Privilegierung von Public-Public-Partnerships im europäischen Vergaberecht

    Privilegierung von Public-Public-Partnerships im europäischen Vergaberecht

    Die Einordnung interkommunaler Kooperation im systematischen Gefüge des europäischen Vergaberechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung aktueller Entwicklungen in der Spruchpraxis des EuGH
    by Felix Siebler (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Thesis
  • Title: Europäisches Internationales Kartelldeliktsrecht

    Europäisches Internationales Kartelldeliktsrecht

    by Dominik Massing (Author)
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Somaliland


    Ein Beispiel für erfolgreiche Staatsbildung in Afrika
    by Georg-Sebastian Holzer (Author)
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Title: International Mergers and Acquisitions

    International Mergers and Acquisitions

    by Michael F. Strohmer (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Edited Collection
  • Africa in Development

    ISSN: 1662-1212

    Editorial Board Adebayo Adebiyi, University of Lagos, Nigeria Fantu Cheru, Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University, USA Guy Martin, Winston-Salem State University, USA Pamela Mbabazi, Mbarara University, Uganda Carlos Oya, SOAS, London University, UK Tim Shaw, Royal Roads University, Canada Series text While African development remains a preoccupation, policy craftsmen and a multiplicity of domestic and international actors have been engaged in the quest for solutions to the myriad problems associated with poverty and underdevelopment. Academic and scholarly responses have built on the traditional and non-traditional analytical frameworks and promoted a multidimensional discourse on, for example, conflict management, peace and security systems, HIV/AIDS, democratic governance, and the implications of globalization. This series is designed to encourage innovative thinking on a broad range of development issues. Thus its remit extends to all fields of intellectual inquiry with the aim of highlighting the advantages of a synergistic interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of and opportunities for development in the continent. Of particular interest are studies with a heavy empirical content which also have a bearing on policy debates and those that question theoretical orthodoxies while being grounded on concrete developmental concerns. The series welcomes proposals for collected papers as well as monographs from recent PhDs no less than from established scholars. Book proposals should be sent to the editor at .

    14 publications

  • Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial

    Present and future economic, technological and societal changes and evolutions fundamentally affect traditional legal structures of the territorial state system. They increasingly call for global approaches and solutions, transgressing the tools of classical public international law. This trilingual series publishes monographs, studies and collected papers dedicated to these challenges. The contributions examine existing instruments, in particular within the framework of the international trading system. They explore new approaches and search for innovative solutions within the global process of legal integration. Research efforts are dedicated to different walks of life and areas of regulation, and to the quest for adequate constitutional structures of transnational and democratic processes. Les évolutions actuelles et futures sur le plan technique, économique et social ne cesseront d'influencer profondément les structures traditionnelles du droit de I'état territorial. Par conséquent, des approches et des solutions dépassant les instruments du droit international public classique deviennent de plus en plus nécessaires. Cette collection trilingue publie des monographies, études et actes de colloques qui analysent et font face à ces défis. Les contributions examinent les instruments existants, notamment dans la domaine du système commercial mondiale. Elles cherchent à développer des approches nouvelles et des solutions innovatrices dans le contexte du processus d'intégration globale en incluant des études de droit touchant aux différents secteurs et domaines de vie. De plus, les travaux de recherche seront également destinés à trouver les procédures constitutionnelles et décisionnelles les plus adéquates et démocratiques au niveau transnational. Wirtschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewirken tiefgreifende Änderungen traditioneller Strukturen des Rechts des Territorialstaats und rufen zunehmend nach globalen Vorgehensweisen und Lösungen, die oftmals über das Instrumentarium des klassischen Völkerrechts hinaus weisen. Die dreisprachige Reihe publiziert Monographien, Studien und Tagungsbände, die sich vertieft mit diesen Herausforderungen auseinandersetzen. Die Beiträge untersuchen das bestehende Instrumentarium namentlich im Rahmen des Welthandelssystems und forschen nach neuen Ansätzen und Lösungen im Rahmen des globalen Integrationsprozesses. Dazu gehören Studien zu den Regelungen einzelner Sach- und Lebensbereiche wie auch zu Fragen adäquater transnationaler demokratischer Verfassungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen.

    14 publications

  • Nationalisms across the Globe

    ISSN: 1662-9116

    Although in the 1980s the widely shared belief was that nationalism had become a spent force, the fragmentation of the studiously non-national Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia in the 1990s into a multitude of successor nation-states reaffirmed its continuing significance. Today all extant polities (with the exception of the Vatican) are construed as nationstates, and hence nationalism is the sole universally accepted criterion of statehood legitimization. Similarly, human groups wishing to be recognized as fully fledged participants in international relations must define themselves as nations. This concept of world politics underscores the need for openended, broad-ranging, novel, and interdisciplinary research into nationalism and ethnicity. It promotes better understanding of the phenomena relating to social, political, and economic life, both past and present. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs, conference proceedings, and collections of articles. It attracts well-researched, often interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to nationalism and ethnicity or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is usually English. The series is affiliated with the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History at the University of St Andrews, headed by Bernhard Struck and Tomasz Kamusella. The Institute gathers scholars with a strong interest in the comparative, entangled and transnational history of modern Europe and the globalized world. Editorial Board: Balazs Apor (Dublin) – Peter Burke (Cambridge) – Monika Baár (Groningen) – Andrea Graziosi (Naples) – Akihiro Iwashita (Sapporo) – Sławomir Łodziński (Warsaw) – Alexander Markarov (Yerevan) – Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov (Sofia) – Alexander Maxwell (Wellington) – Anastasia Mitrofanova (Moscow) – Michael Moser (Vienna) - Frank Lorenz Müller (St Andrews) – Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Pretoria) – Balázs Trencsényi (Budapest) – Sergei Zhuk (Muncie, Indiana).

    21 publications

  • Komparatistische Bibliothek / Comparative Studies Series / Bibliothèque d'Études Comparatives

    "Since its founding in 1992, "Comparative Studies Series" publishes interdisciplinary monographs and collected volumes on Pedagogy. Topics include among others the relation of identity, education and citizenship, methodological approaches to Pedagogy or didactical reflections on post-colonial state formation. The volumes of the series are published in English, German and French. The editor Jürgen Schriewer is professor for Comparative Education. Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is assessed by external referees appointed by the editor. As a rule, the review process is double blind. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing the review; the referees’ names are not disclosed." "In der Komparatistischen Bibliothek erscheinen interdisziplinäre Monographien und Sammelbände zur Pädagogik. Themen sind unter anderem das Verhältnis von Identität, Bildung und Staatsbürgerschaft, methodische Ansätze zur Pädagogik oder didaktische Überlegungen zur postkolonialen Staatenbildung. Die Bände der Reihe erscheinen in Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch. Der Herausgeber, Jürger Schriewer, ist Professor für Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch externe, vom Herausgeber benannte Gutachter geprüft, im Regelfall im Double Blind Verfahren. Dabei ist der Autor der Arbeit den Gutachtern während der Prüfung namentlich nicht bekannt; die Gutachter bleiben anonym."

    28 publications

  • Feuchtwanger Studies

    This series focuses on the life and work of the internationally celebrated German writer Lion Feuchtwanger (1884–1958), whose works have been translated into many languages. Of particular interest are topics such as Feuchtwanger’s role as a critic of Weimar Germany and the rise of Nazism, his years of exile in France (1933–40) and in the United States (1940–58), his achievements as a proponent of the historical novel, and his reception both in Germany and in the wider world. The series presents Feuchtwanger in the context of his times, paying special attention to his years in Southern California and his relationships with other leading cultural figures of the era. With Feuchtwanger at its core, the series explores the multinational literary and intellectual network that resulted from German and Austrian exile under Nationalism Socialism: from Paris to Vienna, Los Angeles to London, Buenos Aires to Tel Aviv, and New York to Moscow. Contributions present cutting-edge research elaborating on the intricate relations of literary locations, emotional spaces and biographies characteristic of these important writers, artists and filmmakers. Books in the series will be of interest to those working in German studies, exile studies, Jewish studies, gender studies and film studies. Volumes in the series include selections of refereed and reworked papers from the biennial conferences of the International Feuchtwanger Society as well as specially commissioned monographs relating to Marta and Lion Feuchtwanger, their circle and contemporaries.

    11 publications

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