28 results
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  • Title: Privatisation of Planning Powers and Urban Infrastructure- Privatisierung von Planung und städtischen Infrastrukturen
  • Title: Britischer Rückzug aus Asien - Etappensieg der Asiaten?- Die indo-britischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1939-1950

    Britischer Rückzug aus Asien - Etappensieg der Asiaten?- Die indo-britischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen 1939-1950

    Politische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte des «Transfer of Power» und die Wandlung der direkten Herrschaft in die indirekte Einflußnahme mittels finanzökonomischer Vormachtstellung des Westens
    by George Bruchhof (Author)
    ©1998 Thesis
  • Title: Die Darstellung von Musik im zeitgenössischen englischen und amerikanischen Bildungsroman

    Die Darstellung von Musik im zeitgenössischen englischen und amerikanischen Bildungsroman

    Peter Ackroyd, Vikram Seth, Richard Powers, Frank Conroy, Paul Auster
    by Meike Reher (Author) 2010
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Title: Hegemonie und Kultur

    Hegemonie und Kultur

    Die Rolle kultureller "soft-power" in der US-Außenpolitik
    by Udo Matthias Metzinger (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Institutionelle und Sozial-Ökonomie / Institutional and Socio-Economics

    "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. May 2012 The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) "

    11 publications

  • Title: Annexkompetenzen im Betriebsverfassungsrecht

    Annexkompetenzen im Betriebsverfassungsrecht

    by Birgit Katrin Posselt (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: John F. Kennedy in der amerikanischen Literatur

    John F. Kennedy in der amerikanischen Literatur

    by Klaus Uellenberg (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: «Bringing the «Stadt» back in!» – Stadtpolitik in Österreich

    «Bringing the «Stadt» back in!» – Stadtpolitik in Österreich

    Urban Politics – Die Stadt zwischen politischer Herausforderung und gesellschaftlicher Innovation
    by Johann Lefenda (Author)
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: Die SMP-Konzeption

    Die SMP-Konzeption

    Europarechtliche Vorgaben für die asymmetrische Regulierung im Kommunikationssektor
    by Christiane Huppertz (Author)
    ©2003 Thesis
  • Title: Die Entwicklung der Außenkompetenzen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft

    Die Entwicklung der Außenkompetenzen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft

    Der Wandel der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs und die daraus resultierende Notwendigkeit der Verpflichtung zur Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Gemeinschaft und den Mitgliedstaaten auf internationaler Ebene
    by Yumiko Nakanishi (Author)
    ©1998 Thesis
  • Title: Henri de Rohan (1579-1638) und die internationalen Beziehungen in Europa

    Henri de Rohan (1579-1638) und die internationalen Beziehungen in Europa

    by Timo Andreas Lehnert (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Thesis
  • Title: Waffe oder Brücke?

    Waffe oder Brücke?

    Willis Conover und der Jazz im Kalten Krieg
    by Rüdiger Ritter (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Postdoctoral Thesis
  • Title: Macht und Ohnmacht

    Macht und Ohnmacht

    Hohe Polizei und lokale Herrschaftspraxis im Königreich Westphalen (1807-1813)
    by Maike Bartsch (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Thesis
  • Title: Rechtsrahmen und Regulierung Privater Militär- und Sicherheitsunternehmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Einsatzmöglichkeiten in UN-Friedensmissionen
  • Title: Die Bedeutung von Nachfragemacht für die Beurteilung von Einkaufskooperationen im EG-Kartellrecht
  • Title: Wanderjahre in Literatur und Leben

    Wanderjahre in Literatur und Leben

    Ontologien des Wandel(n)s
    by Nadine Menzel (Volume editor) Christian-Daniel Strauch (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Others
  • Title: Popular Music in Communist and Post-Communist Europe

    Popular Music in Communist and Post-Communist Europe

    by Jan Blüml (Volume editor) Yvetta Kajanová (Volume editor) Rüdiger Ritter (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Reinventing Love?

    Reinventing Love?

    Gender, intimacy and romance in the Arab world
    by Corinne Fortier (Volume editor) Aymon Kreil (Volume editor) Irene Maffi (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Being and Belonging

    Being and Belonging

    A Comparative Examination of the Greek and Cypriot Orthodox Churches’ Attitudes to ‹Europeanisation› in Early 21st Century
    by Georgios Trantas (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Thesis
  • Title: Wettbewerbsrecht und Verbraucherschutz in England

    Wettbewerbsrecht und Verbraucherschutz in England

    Die Auswirkungen der Richtlinie gegen unlautere Geschäftspraktiken auf den Verbraucherschutz in England sowie auf die Vereinheitlichung des verbraucherschützenden Wettbewerbsrechts in der Europäischen Union
    by Lisa Waßmuß (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: Discourse and Ethnic Identity. The Case of the Serbs from Hungary

    Discourse and Ethnic Identity. The Case of the Serbs from Hungary

    by Marija Ilić (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: Die Strafbarkeit marktmissbräuchlichen Verhaltens am Spotmarkt der European Energy Exchange
  • Title: Armenfürsorge und Wohltätigkeit. Ländliche Gesellschaften in Europa, 1850-1930- Poor Relief and Charity. Rural Societies in Europe, 1850-1930

    Armenfürsorge und Wohltätigkeit. Ländliche Gesellschaften in Europa, 1850-1930- Poor Relief and Charity. Rural Societies in Europe, 1850-1930

    by Inga Brandes (Volume editor) Katrin Marx-Jaskulski (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: Der Europäische Gerichtshof und der U.S. Supreme Court

    Der Europäische Gerichtshof und der U.S. Supreme Court

    Eine vergleichende Analyse ausgewählter Aspekte
    by Astrid Hauser (Author)
    ©2008 Thesis
  • Title: Widerstand und Aussenpolitik

    Widerstand und Aussenpolitik

    Vorstellungen und Konzeptionen im Umkreis des 20. Juli
    by Beatrix Erhard (Author)
    ©2004 Monographs
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