%0 Journal Article %A William Chester Jordan %D 2023 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Mediaevistik %@ 2199-806X %N 1 %V 35 %T Jörg Oberste, . Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021, pp. xii, 276, 46 figs. %R 10.3726/med.2022.01.139 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1393431 %X The stimulus for this study of the development of medieval Paris, as Chapter 1 indicates, was two conferences that linked monasticism and urban development, and although the research ultimately led the author, Jörg Oberste, in additional directions, the original conception remains at the center of the book. Given the space devoted to urban and suburban monasteries in the study, its dedication to the memory of the dean of monastic studies, Giles Constable (1929–2021), is quite appropriate.