%0 Journal Article %A Wendy Pfeffer %D 2023 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Mediaevistik %@ 2199-806X %N 1 %V 35 %T Sarah Fourcade, . Études d’histoire médiévale, 17. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2021, 716 pp. %R 10.3726/med.2022.01.125 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1393311 %X Sarah Fourcade’s approach to the literary production of the late medieval period is that of an historian – she is less interested in the literary works themselves than what they tell us about the authors and audiences of the period. She proposes to show how the military class that was the nobility turned into a cultured and literate society, a group seeking to promote its class and members by means of the written word. This volume represents research that led to her doctorate in history (13; she now teaches at the Université Paris-Est Créteil) and retains some of that dissertation feel, from its lay-out and presentation of information.