%0 Journal Article %A Elke Hentschel %D 2021 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %J Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation %@ 2367-3877 %N 2 %V 1 %T Wortbildung, Syntax oder Flexion? Hinweise auf die Entstehung einer neuen Verbalkategorie im Deutschen %R 10.3726/zwjw.2017.02.03 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1158518 %X In German, non-finite forms of verbs that are traditionally labelled as “nominalized infinitives”, but are better categorized as gerunds, can show very unusual features. Although they carry a definitive article and therefore clearly seem to belong to the class of nouns, they still govern objects and adverbials in exactly the same way the verb does. It is therefore argued that in spite of the determiners, these forms are essentially verbal in nature. The syntactic functions they fulfil can be anything from subject or object to adverbial or attributive modifier, i. e. functions that are usually fulfilled by subordinate clauses. Since this is the same kind of behavior that converbs in languages like Turkish show, this leads to the suggestion that they can indeed be considered as a functionally similar to converbs.