TY - BOOK AU - Andrzej Chwalba AU - Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa AU - Marcin Pędich PY - 2021 CY - Berlin, Germany PB - Peter Lang Verlag SN - 2191-3528 SN - 9783631845998 TI - The People of Poland at War: 1914-1918 DO - 10.3726/b17980 UR - https://www.peterlang.com/document/1117796 N2 - This book is a pioneering synthesis of the history of Poland, 1914–1918, summing up 100 years of the work of historians on the period and outlining new research aims. It is an integrated approach to the story of the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian zones of partitioned Poland, culminating in the restoration of the country’s independence and its accommodation to the new political configuration in Europe after 1918. It uses a combination of the research tools of social and cultural history, anthropology, and environmental history, showing the everyday life of ordinary people alongside military and diplomatic affairs. The policies pursued by the partitioning and occupying powers are juxtaposed with the activities of Polish pro-independence groups and Piłsudski’s Legions. KW - Everyday life, Citizens‘ public activity, The nature and scale of the devastation, Social, cultural, and political consequences of the War, The First World War in Central Europe, The struggle for Polish independence LA - English ER -