%0 Book %A Ann Winfield %D 2007 %C New York, United States of America %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 1534-2816 %T Eugenics and Education in America %B Institutionalized Racism and the Implications of History, Ideology, and Memory %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1103968 %X Education in America was designed to organize, classify, and sort students according to a definition of ability and human worth provided by a racialized scientism known as eugenics – an ideology whose ultimate goal was the establishment of a superior White race. Eugenicists targeted entire ethnic groups, the urban poor, rural «White trash,» the sexually «deviant,» Blacks, Jews, Native Americans, Asians, Latino/as, and anyone who did not fit with the pseudo-scientifically established «superior» Nordic race. Education leaders, complaining of children of «worm-eaten stock,» established an enduring system to organize and sort students according to perceived societal worth. In exposing and addressing eugenics’ place in our educational system, this book provides a groundbreaking addition to, and exceptional correction of, the history of curriculum in America. %K USA, Bildung, Rassismus, Eugenic, Race, Racism, Memory, Collective memory, History, Historiography %G English