%0 Book %A Shayla Thiel Stern %D 2007 %C New York, United States of America %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 1555-1814 %T Instant Identity %B Adolescent Girls and the World of Instant Messaging %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1103924 %X Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls and the World of Instant Messaging explains how girls use instant messaging – a primary mode of new media communication for their generation – in order to flirt, bond, fight, and generally relate to peers in ways that both transcend and play into their culture’s dominant gender norms. Examining IM conversations and interviews with the girls, Shayla Thiel Stern demonstrates exactly how girls use IM to construct identity and negotiate sexuality, as they constantly move between childhood and adulthood in their language and actions online. This book is among the first of its kind to truly explore the millennial generation’s prevalent use of instant messaging and its implications for the future. %K Weibliche Jugend, Soziales Netzwerk, Internet, Communication, Media, Tween girl, Media study, Instant Messaging, Computerunterstützte Kommunikation, Youth %G English