%0 Book %A Mirja Beutel %D 2018 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783631743997 %T Teaching Cosmopolitanism through Transnational Literature in English %B An Empirical Evaluation of Studentsʼ Competence Development in a Life-Writing Approach to Teaching Literature %R 10.3726/b13167 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1055865 %X The book deals with the question how students in multicultural EFL-classrooms can be prepared for their role as world citizens. The author shows that teaching English offers important potentials for cosmopolitan education due to its role as a «lingua franca». The study develops the construct cosmopolitan communicative competence as a theoretical framework. It also presents a teaching approach that combines students’ life-writing with the discussion of literary texts to advance the associated knowledge, skills and attitudes. The potentials of this approach are evaluated through the assessment of students’ competence development. %K transcultural learning, EFL-classroom, empirical study, teaching literature, autobiographical texts, multicultural classrooms %G English