%0 Book %A Laura Malita %A Regina Egetenmeyer %D 2012 %C Berlin, Germany %I Peter Lang Verlag %@ 9783653053005 %T Students’ ePortfolio for Entering into the Labour Market %R 10.3726/978-3-653-05300-5 %U https://www.peterlang.com/document/1045644 %X In the last few years, ePortfolios and ePortfolio 2.0 have become buzzwords in the education and learning community used for different purposes and meanings. The book gives an innovative way of dealing with the problem of student unemployment by explaining the main aspects of using ePortfolios as a method for employability, career development, reflection, assessment, consultancy, presentation and communication. This publication results from the research work undertaken by the partner institutions involved in the Project Learn about finding jobs from digital storytelling which had the main purpose of enhancing graduates’ employability. %K students employability, employers expectations, ePortfolio as a networking and digital identity, graduate students, job market %G English