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Foucault and Hegel: A Theoretical Encounter for Studying Subjectivity and Knowledge in the Contemporary University

von Francisco Durán del Fierro (Autor:in)
23 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Band 6 Ausgabe 1 Erscheinungsjahr 2024 pp. 75 - 97


This paper brings Foucault and Hegel together in a productive way in the context of examining the relationship between subjectivity and knowledge within the contemporary university. While acknowledging the differences between their intellectual projects, I argue that Foucault’s ethical turn and Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit can complement each other in studying subjectivity-constitution. They share a fundamental premise: transforming the subject’s being is needed to access the truth. These modifications of the subject’s being are carried out by

Biographische Angaben

Francisco Durán del Fierro (Autor:in)


Titel: Foucault and Hegel: A Theoretical Encounter for Studying Subjectivity and Knowledge in the Contemporary University