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A Corpus-based Study of Corporate Image in the Translation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of Chinese Pharmaceutical Companies: A Case Study of Fosun Pharma Group

von RUYANG LI (Autor:in) CHIYUAN ZHUANG (Autor:in)
22 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: Journal of Translation Studies Band 3 Ausgabe 1 pp. 123 - 144

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The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 turned out to be an opportunity for Chinese pharmaceutical companies to go overseas. A sound corporate image, as presented by a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report, is a must. Therefore, companies must pay attention to the quality of translations of CSR reports. This study analyses the 2017–2020 CSR reports of Fosun Pharma Group, a top Chinese pharmaceutical company, from the text perspective and that of social practice, based on a self-built corpus. The 2017–2020 CSR reports of Johnson & Johnson are used as parallel texts. The text analysis examines the high-frequency nouns and verbs, first-person pronouns and modal verbs, and finds that Fosun Pharma enjoys the image of a company that focuses on progress, is positive, pragmatic, attaches importance to corporate management, and is rigorous and objective. Viewed from the perspective of social practices, the difference in corporate image between the two companies is influenced by power distance, as they are at different stages of development, and given the limitations associated with the use of English as a second language. The research results have implications for the development of English translations of CSR reports of pharmaceutical companies in China and the dissemination of an overseas corporate image.

Biographische Angaben

RUYANG LI (Autor:in) CHIYUAN ZHUANG (Autor:in)


Titel: A Corpus-based Study of Corporate Image in the Translation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of Chinese Pharmaceutical Companies: A Case Study of Fosun Pharma Group