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Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali

von I Wayan MUDRA (Autor:in) I Ketut MUKA P. (Autor:in) I Wayan SUARDANA (Autor:in) Anak Agung Gede Rai REMAWA (Autor:in)
8 Seiten
Open Access

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The advantage ceramic of Balinese Kamasan ornament, it has a very strong Balinese identity. Therefore, the this ceramic creation was a novel creation by ceramic artists in Indonesia. Purpose this study to explain the process creation, types of products, and the meaning of ceramic craft creation the Balinese Kamasan puppet. The determination data sources by purposive sampling. Data collection methods by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of creation process consisted of several stages with a fairly long process, from the design to the final combustion process, which iscombusting the puppet ornaments on the ceramics surface at a temperature 10000C. The types of ceramic products produced, namely


Open Access
ceramics meaning creation puppet Kamasan Bali

Biographische Angaben

I Wayan MUDRA (Autor:in) I Ketut MUKA P. (Autor:in) I Wayan SUARDANA (Autor:in) Anak Agung Gede Rai REMAWA (Autor:in)


Titel: Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali