
A Poetics of Borderlands

A Comparative Study of Selected Texts by Contemporary US Latina/Chicana and Polish Women Writers

by Aleksandra Hołubowicz (Author)
©2023 Monographs 212 Pages


The book explores the notion of borderlands and the concept of nomadic subjectivity as manifested in selected novels by Chicana/Latina and contemporary Polish women authors. It seeks to propose a poetics of borderlands that emerges from the condition of nepantla (being torn, not belonging anywhere). Language, collective identities and motherhood are the main issues under scrutiny. Application of feminist literary criticism, postcolonial criticism and comparative literature studies in examination of literary works reveals interesting parallels between works of authors that have little in common at first glance. One of the book objectives is to draw attention to contemporary Polish writers, whose oeuvre is not widely researched in the mainstream literary studies.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction. The Concept of Borderlands
  • Borderlands as a concept
  • Methodology
  • Postcolonial Studies
  • Feminist criticism
  • Chapter 1. Language of the Borderlands
  • Latino/Chicano English/Spanish
  • Mother tongue and English as a second language – linguistic colonialism
  • The Polish language
  • (Polish) women and linguistic colonization
  • Language and gender
  • Silencing and regaining voice
  • Silencing
  • Silenced by trauma
  • Silenced through suppression of the mother tongue
  • “What does it matter who’s speaking?”: first-person narration
  • The Chicana “i”
  • “Speak-out” narration: Justyna Bargielska
  • Speculative fiction: magical realism
  • Magical feminism
  • Magical feminism in Graciela Limón’s Erased Faces
  • Magical realism and transrealism in Ana Castillo’s 
The Mixquiahuala Letters
  • Magical Realism vs. the Gothic in Cristina García’s The Agüero Sisters
  • Joanna Bator’s tabloid Gothic: Ciemno, prawie noc
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 2. National Identity, Race, and Class
  • National Identity
  • Border amnesia and flight from memory
  • Race issues in Poland
  • Research on race
  • Post-colonial studies in Poland
  • The peasant “race”
  • National identity in Latina/Chicana texts
  • Homogeneous or multiethnic Polish society?
  • Jews
  • Germans
  • Ruscy – Russkies
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 3. Borderland Motherhoods
  • Mother
  • The Mother Mystique: Matka Polka
  • The Latina Mother
  • Can a feminist be a mother?
  • Feminist mothers: borderland motherhoods
  • (Pre-)Conception motherhoods/childless mothers
  • The abortionist mother
  • Social mothers: Regina and Alicja Tabor
  • The scandalizing mother/the deadbeat mother
  • The escape
  • The depressive-suicidal mother
  • Dresiara: The Polish gopnik mother
  • Conclusion: From woman as mother to maternalization of politics
  • Chapter 4. Nomadic Subjectivity in Borderland Poetics
  • Olga Tokarczuk’s “tender narrator”
  • Anger
  • Nomadism
  • Economic nomadism
  • Nomadism in fiction
  • Conclusion: Aren’t We All from Borderlands?
  • Bibliography

Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Na
tionalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the
internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.

About the author

The Author
Aleksandra Hołubowicz does research in the field of literary studies, specializing in contemporary American literature and border studies. She earned her PhD at Gdan´sk University and is currently employed at Charles University in the Czech Republic.

About the book

Aleksandra Hołubowicz

A Poetics of Borderlands

The book explores the notion of borderlands and the concept of nomadic subjectivity as manifested in selected novels by Chicana/Latina and contemporary Polish women authors. It seeks to propose a poetics of borderlands that emerges from the condition of nepantla (being torn, not belonging anywhere). Language, collective identities and motherhood are the main issues under scrutiny. Application of feminist literary criticism, postcolonial criticism and comparative literature studies in examination of literary works reveals interesting parallels between works of authors that have little in common at first glance. One of the book objectives is to draw attention to contemporary Polish writers, whose oeuvre is not widely researched in the mainstream literary studies.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

Table of Contents

Introduction. The Concept of Borderlands

Borderlands as a concept


Postcolonial Studies

Feminist criticism

Chapter 1. Language of the Borderlands

Latino/Chicano English/Spanish

Mother tongue and English as a second language – linguistic colonialism

The Polish language

(Polish) women and linguistic colonization

Language and gender

Silencing and regaining voice


Silenced by trauma

Silenced through suppression of the mother tongue

“What does it matter who’s speaking?”: first-person narration

The Chicana “i”

“Speak-out” narration: Justyna Bargielska

Speculative fiction: magical realism

Magical feminism

Magical feminism in Graciela Limón’s Erased Faces

Magical realism and transrealism in Ana Castillo’s 
The Mixquiahuala Letters

Magical Realism vs. the Gothic in Cristina García’s The Agüero Sisters

Joanna Bator’s tabloid Gothic: Ciemno, prawie noc


Chapter 2. National Identity, Race, and Class

National Identity

Border amnesia and flight from memory

Race issues in Poland

Research on race

Post-colonial studies in Poland

The peasant “race”

National identity in Latina/Chicana texts

Homogeneous or multiethnic Polish society?



Ruscy – Russkies


Chapter 3. Borderland Motherhoods


The Mother Mystique: Matka Polka

The Latina Mother

Can a feminist be a mother?

Feminist mothers: borderland motherhoods

(Pre-)Conception motherhoods/childless mothers

The abortionist mother

Social mothers: Regina and Alicja Tabor

The scandalizing mother/the deadbeat mother

The escape

The depressive-suicidal mother

Dresiara: The Polish gopnik mother

Conclusion: From woman as mother to maternalization of politics

Chapter 4. Nomadic Subjectivity in Borderland Poetics

Olga Tokarczuk’s “tender narrator”



ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2023 (September)
in-betweenness transatlantic literary studies nationalism parenting depression
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 212 pp.

Biographical notes

Aleksandra Hołubowicz (Author)

Aleksandra Hołubowicz does research in the field of literary studies, specializing in contemporary American literature and border studies. She earned her PhD at Gdan´sk University and is currently employed at Charles University in the Czech Republic.


Title: A Poetics of Borderlands