
Literacy Practices of The Mumbai Dabbawalas, India

Writing an Ethnographic Case Study

by Uma Krishnan (Author)
©2024 Monographs 0 Pages

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This book explores the Mumbai Dabbawalas, an indigenous group in India, and their literacy practices within their business world. The author aims to demonstrate how she conducted her ethnographic case study as a model for others to follow in their own research. She takes the readers on a narrative journey, chronicling her decision to conduct the study and the completion of her dissertation. Through this journey, she highlights the influence of "literacy" definitions, particularly the autonomous model, on non-Western and indigenous groups, and how these definitions have impacted their literacy practices.
Using qualitative research methods, the author provides readers with insights into conducting a cross-cultural international ethnographic case study. She offers detailed explanations of her coding process and how she analyzed the extensive data to support her argument that the Dabbawalas' literacy practices contribute to their success. Additionally, Dr. Krishnan's cross-cultural study adds a new dimension to the field of ethnographic case study and challenges the autonomous model of literacy.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ethnographic case study literacy practices indigenous group ideological model of literacy narrative journey cross-cultural study design qualitative research data analysis coding success factors marketing insights
New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, Oxford, 2024.

Biographical notes

Uma Krishnan (Author)

Uma S. Krishnan is a Professor at Kent State University, where she holds various roles. She is the head of the Writing Internship Program and serves as the Associate Writing Program Coordinator in the Department of English. Additionally, she is an honorary faculty in the Religion Studies-Minor Program. Outside of her academic responsibilities, she serves as the faculty advisor for the May 4 Task Force (M4TF) Student Organization and as Assistant Co-chair for the Global/Non-Western Standing Group, College of Composition and Communication.


Title: Literacy Practices of The Mumbai Dabbawalas, India