
Teacher Learning and Informal Science Education

Expansivising Affordances for Diverse Science Learners

by Jennifer D. Adams (Author)
Textbook XII, 198 Pages
Series: Counterpoints, Volume 549


Teacher Learning and Informal Science Education chronicles Jennifer D. Adams’ teaching and research journey in informal science education. While the primary focus of the book is research on teacher learning and identity in informal science education, it contains bursts of reflections of Adams’ navigation of learning spaces from childhood visits to the museum, class trips as a high school teacher, designing and facilitating learning as a museum and teacher educator, and researcher. These learning interactions inspired research to learn how teachers’ identities and corresponding practices were influenced by informal science learning. What emerged was the ways that teachers transformed meanings, pedagogies, and enactments of informal science in ways that both resonated with their identities as social agents vis-à-vis the identities and needs of their students. Recognising the importance of historical context in current and ongoing educational inequities, this book offers a chapter that unpacks the colonial history of the museum and discusses the relevance for science teaching and learning today. With New York City as the backdrop, this book emphasizes the teaching and learning in an urban context with creative teachers who are passionate about their practice and their brilliant and diverse middle and high school students. This book offers theoretical considerations for designing learning experiences, with a research-to-practice emphasis, for teachers across formal and informal settings in ways that are attentive to and affirming of students’ and teachers’ identities and desires to utilize science education as a tool to create flourishing futures.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Figures
  • Abbreviations
  • Chapter 1 Expansivising Spaces and Affordances for Science Learning
  • Chapter 2 An Artifact of Settler Colonialism
  • Chapter 3 Teacher Agency and Identity: Creating Affordances in the Expansivising Space
  • Chapter 4 Modifying Resources: Adapting Museum Display and Investigation for the Classroom
  • Chapter 5 Expanded Agency Through Modifying and Creating Affordances
  • Chapter 6 Critically Expansivising Practices: Teachers as Bricoleurs
  • Chapter 7 Challenging “Scientific” Research Paradigms Through Sociocultural Lenses and Dialogic Methodologies
  • Chapter 8 Youth Practices as Expansivising Resources: DWL on WhatsApp
  • Series Index

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Adams, Jennifer D., author.
Title: Teacher learning and informal science education: expansivising
affordances for diverse science learners / Jennifer D. Adams.
Description: New York: Peter Lang, [2024] | Series: Counterpoints,
1058– 1634; vol. 549 | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2023054671 (print) | LCCN 2023054672 (ebook) | ISBN
9781636672830 (paperback) | ISBN 9781636672847 (hardback) | ISBN
9781636672816 (pdf) | ISBN 9781636672823 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Science– Study and teaching– Case studies. |
Minorities– Education--Case studies. | Science teachers– Training of. |
Minority teachers– Training of. | Communication in science.
Classification: LCC Q181. A2895 2024 (print) | LCC Q181 (ebook) | DDC
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023054671
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023054672

Cover design by Peter Lang Group AG

ISSN 1058-1634 (print)
ISBN 9781636672830 (paperback)
ISBN 9781636672847 (hardback)
ISBN 9781636672816 (ebook)
ISBN 9781636672823 (epub)
DOI 10.3726/b21130

© 2024 Peter Lang Group AG, Lausanne
Published by Peter Lang Publishing Inc., New York, USA
info@peterlang.com - www.peterlang.com

All rights reserved.
All parts of this publication are protected by copyright.
Any utilization outside the strict limits of the copyright law, without the permission of the
publisher, is forbidden and liable to prosecution.
This applies in particular to reproductions, translations, microfilming, and storage and
processing in electronic retrieval systems.

This publication has been peer reviewed.

About the author

Jennifer D. Adams is a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair and Professor at the University of Calgary and an NSF Early CAREER awardee. Prior to joining the faculty at the UofC, she had appointments at the City University of New York (Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center), the American Museum of Natural History, New York City Outward Bound and as a high school science teacher with the (then) New York City Board of Education.

Brooklyn in da House!

About the book

Teacher Learning and Informal Science Education chronicles Jennifer D. Adams’ teaching and research journey in informal science education. While the primary focus of the book is research on teacher learning and identity in informal science education, it contains bursts of refl ections of Adams’ navigation of learning spaces from childhood visits to the museum, class trips as a high school teacher, designing and facilitating learning as a museum and teacher educator, and researcher. These learning interactions inspired research to learn how teachers’ identities and corresponding practices were infl uenced by informal science learning. What emerged was the ways that teachers transformed meanings, pedagogies, and enactments of informal science in ways that both resonated with their identities as social agents vis-à-vis the identities and needs of their students. Recognising the importance of historical context in current and ongoing educational inequities, this book offers a chapter that unpacks the colonial history of the museum and discusses the relevance for science teaching and learning today. With New York City as the backdrop, this book emphasizes the teaching and learning in an urban context with creative teachers who are passionate about their practice and their brilliant and diverse middle and high school students. This book offers theoretical considerations for designing learning experiences, with a researchto- practice emphasis, for teachers across formal and informal settings in ways that are attentive to and affi rming of students’ and teachers’ identities and desires to utilize science education as a tool to create fl ourishing futures.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.




XII, 198
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2024 (July)
Informal science education science teacher education science education equity museum learning museum education history qualitative research teacher agency urban education Jennifer D. Adams TEACHER LEARNING AND INFORMAL SCIENCE EDUCATION EXPANSIVISING AFFORDANCES FOR SCIENCE LEARNING
New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, Oxford, 2024. XII, 198 pp., 5 b/w ill., 1 b/w table.

Biographical notes

Jennifer D. Adams (Author)

Jennifer D. Adams is a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair and Professor at the University of Calgary and an NSF Early CAREER awardee. Prior to joining the faculty at the UofC, she had appointments at the City University of New York (Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center), the American Museum of Natural History, New York City Outward Bound and as a high school science teacher with the (then) New York City Board of Education. Brooklyn in da House!


Title: Teacher Learning and Informal Science Education