
An Embodied Religion

Materialities and Devotion in Medieval Europe

by João Luís Fontes (Volume editor) Diana Martins (Volume editor) Catarina Fernandes Barreira (Volume editor) Mário Farelo (Volume editor)
©2024 Edited Collection 672 Pages


From the images carved and painted to the buildings edified, from liturgical objects to reliquaries and tombs, from books to personal objects of piety, this volume reflects the many domains where the relation between materiality and devotion can be a prospect and a problem. It intersects the material, functional, performative and aesthetic dimensions with the different readings it calls for, the cognitive and emotional apprehensions, the representations (erudite and popular) it associates with, the practices that it sustains, the memories that polarize and legitimize, the powers that were affirmed through it. It discloses the diversity of variants such as wealth and social position, literate training, and gender differences.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Authors
  • Scientific Committee
  • List of Figures and Captions
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Editors’ Preface
  • Introitus
  • “Le Verbe s’est fait chair”
  • I – Liturgy and religious experience
  • Eucharistic materiality and Lay Liturgical experience in the Early Middle Ages
  • Revisiting Corpus Christi: Where we are and how we got here
  • Imagen y ritual en el Antifonario de León: iconografía y materialidad de la liturgia hispánica altomedieval
  • II – The devotional agency of images: Religion and power
  • The devotional agency of images. Visions, the visual and memory in the late Middle Ages
  • Ecclesia e Synagoga. Il racconto politico del corpo femminile nel contesto del portale della cattedrale e del libro miniato
  • Images religieuses gravées et sculptées sur les murs d’une prison de l’officialité de Cambrai à la fin du Moyen Âge. Les graffiti figuratifs du château de Selles de Cambrai (XIVe-XVIe siècles), des signes de dévotions aux intentions pénitentielles
  • Lujo y brillo en el Pórtico de la Gloria. Lectura medieval e interpretaciones visuales
  • III – Supporting religious life: Books, images and devotional objects
  • Bibbie di committenza sveva: uno scriptorium italo meridionale?
  • The Medieval leather bookbinding of Santa Maria de Alcobaça: Technological approaches
  • Material characterisation of the codices from the Monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça: Developing a new tool
  • Study and conservation of a 12th century codex from the Monastery of Alcobaça, Portugal
  • Books in the Christian mission to the Mongol Empire led by William of Rubruck (1253–1255)
  • IV – Materializing devotion: Tears, blood, relics
  • Hagiofagia y tanatofagia. Curación y creencia en la ingesta de restos humanos en la Alta Edad Media ibérica
  • Eulalia, Eulogio and Leocricia: Distant martyrs, relic trips and temples in the service of the Asturian throne
  • Les objets de dévotion armoriés, ornements ou véhicules spirituels? L’exemple des cassettes reliquaires et des bourses à reliques armoriées
  • Shining pearls: Materialising devotional teardrops in late Medieval Northern Art
  • V – Promoting sainthood: Texts, images and devotional practices
  • The liturgical environment of Poreč cathedral: presentation, perception, and transformation of medieval holiness
  • Le culte des onze mille vierges de Cologne: Introduction par des reliques et stabilisation par un office liturgique au XIIe siècle à Zwiefalten et Ottobeuren
  • Nuevas posibilidades de análisis sobre la función memorística de la literatura hagiográfica: las Ciencias Cognitivas de la Religión. Notas para su aplicación.
  • Immagini di dramma e santità. La mitoiconografia di san Thomas Becket nell’oratorio nella cattedrale di Anagni
  • La devozione per le spoglie dei predicatori nell’identità dell’Osservanza francescana
  • VI – Religious experience and gender: Objects and devotions
  • Materialidades efímeras. Objetos y prácticas en un monasterio medieval catalán
  • The role of objects in the Imitatio Christi of Elisabeth of Spalbeek
  • Two families, a city, a convent: Career, heritage and devotions of an elite woman of Évora at the beginning of the fifteenth century
  • Realidades señoriales en el ámbito doméstico: objetos cotidianos de mujeres con poder en el Noroeste peninsular (siglo XV)
  • VII – Artistic patronage and devotion
  • Los santos prelados toledanos en la devoción de los Arzobispos Primados de la Baja Edad Media y su materialización artística
  • Pompa y circunstancia. Un regalo del rey de Portugal al arzobispo de Toledo Alfonso Carrillo de Acuña (+1482)
  • “Memoria in hereditate”: devoción y comitencia artística del obispo Gonzalo de Hinojosa (1313–1327) en la catedral de Burgos
  • Un espacio funerario para la devoción: las inscripciones de la capilla de San Blas de la Catedral de Toledo


ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2024 (June)
Religious Experience Liturgy Images Relics Devotional objects and practices Body Emotions artistic patronage gender Cult of Saints
Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, 2024. 672 pp., 210 fig. b/w, 6 tables.

Biographical notes

João Luís Fontes (Volume editor) Diana Martins (Volume editor) Catarina Fernandes Barreira (Volume editor) Mário Farelo (Volume editor)

João Luís Fontes is an Assistant Professor in Medieval History at NOVA University, Lisbon, and a researcher at the Institute for Medieval Studies. He also collaborates with the Centre of Studies on Religious History at the Catholic University, Lisbon. His research is focused on late medieval spirituality, in particular hermitic and female religious experiences. Diana Martins works as a researcher at the Institute for Medieval Studies at NOVA University, Lisbon, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Medieval Studies at NOVA University and University Aberta, Lisbon, and EPHE, Paris, on medieval diplomacy, with a fellowship granted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Catarina Fernandes Barreira holds a PhD in Art Sciences and is a research fellow at the Institute for Medieval Studies at NOVA University, Lisbon. She is the principal investigator of projects related to the history of the Cistercian Order, an area in which she specialises. Mário Farelo is an Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the University of Minho. He obtained a M.A. at the University of Montreal and a M.A. and a PhD from the University of Lisbon, and specializes in researching Papal intervention in Medieval Portugal.


Title: An Embodied Religion