
Thibaut de Champagne, . Bilingual edition prepared by Christopher Callahan, Marie-Geneviève Grossel, and Daniel E. O'Sullivan. Paris: Champion, 2018, pp. 848.

by Raymond J. Cormier (Author)
2 Pages
Open Access
Journal: Mediaevistik Volume 32 Issue 1 Publication Year 2020 pp. 441 - 442


Counted among the most original and prolific medieval French poets, Thibaut IV, count of Champagne and Brie, King of Navarre, was also called Thibaut the poet entertainer (1201–1253). This great-grandson of Eleanor of Aquitaine and great-grandfather of Marie de Champagne, was celebrated by Dante for the purity of his lyrics and widely admired for his mastery of all genres of the time. Remarkable as well for his interpretations of antique mythology and bestiaries, this grand prince and Crusade hero forged poems devoted to the Virgin, transmuting the lyrical lady into a celestial



Biographical notes

Raymond J. Cormier (Author)


Title: Thibaut de Champagne, . Bilingual edition prepared by Christopher Callahan, Marie-Geneviève Grossel, and Daniel E. O'Sullivan. Paris: Champion, 2018, pp. 848.