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Thomas Horst, Marília dos Santos Lopes, and Henrique Leitão, eds., . Passagem: Estudios em Ciências Culturais, 10. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017, 246 pp.

von Karl Galle (Autor:in)
3 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: Mediaevistik Band 32 Ausgabe 1 Erscheinungsjahr 2020 pp. 537 - 539


Histories of European humanism often underplay events in the Iberian Peninsula, while accounts of Portuguese and Spanish voyages around the African coast and to the Americas only occasionally explore networks and mercantile interests in Central Europe that helped support these endeavors. The present volume, based on papers from a workshop at the National Library of Portugal and focusing on links and exchanges between German and Portuguese lands, attempts to address both of these scholarly gaps while simultaneously looking at intersections between the traditions of humanistic and craft knowledge.



Biographische Angaben

Karl Galle (Autor:in)


Titel: Thomas Horst, Marília dos Santos Lopes, and Henrique Leitão, eds., . Passagem: Estudios em Ciências Culturais, 10. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017, 246 pp.