
Paolino da Venezia, . A cura di Roberto Pesce. Collana Medioevo e Rinascimento, Testi. Venice: Centro di Studi Medioevali e Rinascimentali “E. A. Cicogna”, 2018, 179 pp., 51 b/w. ill.

by Albrecht Classen (Author)
2 Pages
Open Access
Journal: Mediaevistik Volume 32 Issue 1 Year 2020 pp. 527 - 528


Recent scholarship has increasingly paid more attention to the game of chess as a central form of entertainment combined with a strong didactic component. Chess has a very long history, probably dating back to early medieval India, and was passed on to the Arabs and from them to the Europeans. Both kings such as Alfonso X el Sabio and theologians such as the Dominican Jacopo da Cessole were deeply involved in reflecting on this game and explaining it to their audiences, as is well documented in the volume



Biographical notes

Albrecht Classen (Author)


Title: Paolino da Venezia, . A cura di Roberto Pesce. Collana Medioevo e Rinascimento, Testi. Venice: Centro di Studi Medioevali e Rinascimentali “E. A. Cicogna”, 2018, 179 pp., 51 b/w. ill.