
Prototype Modelling in Social-Emotional Education

At the Example of a COVID-19 Online Learning Environment

by Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (Volume editor) Giedrė Kvieskienė (Volume editor)
©2022 Edited Collection 270 Pages


The authors’ analyses of innovations in social and socio-emotional education contribute to systematizing distance learning to represent children’s and young people’s socio-emotional competences and to model how they can be developed. Low social capital and poor mental health, a key feature of the COVID-19 pandemic, are leading to an increasing number of suicides among youth and adolescents. These factors, reflecting the changing social-emotional feelings of children, adolescents and teachers in schools during COVID-19, require a new vision and support for learning practices. Modelling a SEEP in the authors’ vision would integrate family support, support for every teacher and child, success stories in the development of emotion therapy, and integrated practice in social pedagogical institutions, private initiatives and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Introduction: Development of a Prototype of Social-Emotional Education
  • Section I
  • Social-Emotional Conceptualizations: Online Learning Innovations and Prototypical Interfaces (Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg & Martina Möller)
  • The Psychology of the Pandemic: Modelling of Social-Emotional Success in Educational Practice (Arvydas Liepuonius)
  • Collaborative Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for Children and Young People (Giedrė Kvieskienė, Nijolė Čiučiulkienė & Karmen Trasberg)
  • Robots and Gamification for Social-Emotional Success (Vytautas Kvieska)
  • Section II
  • Social-Emotional Prototype Design with NEET (Giedrė Kvieskienė, Ilzė Ivanova & Karmen Trasberg)
  • Section III
  • Strategic Planning of Social-Emotional Skills Development: Methodology and Research (Ilona Tandzegolskienė, Danguolė Bylaitė-Šalavejienė, Aušra Rutkienė, Ilzė Ivanova, Karmen Trasberg & Nijolė Čiučiulkienė)
  • Section IV
  • Finalization Remarks and Discussion (Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg & Giedrė Kvieskienė)
  • Concepts (Giedrė Kvieskienė & Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg)
  • Annexes (Giedrė Kvieskienė & Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg)
  • About the Editors
  • About the Authors
  • List of Illustrations
  • Series Index

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Giedrė Kvieskienė

Introduction: Development of a Prototype of Social-Emotional Education

Keywords: Social-emotional education prototype modeling, positive socialization, social-emotional learning, online social-emotional learning innovations, COVID-19 pandemic, emotions, social-emotional behavior

The social-emotional educational prototype (SEEP) is based on studies by researchers in four countries looking for a simple and interactive prototype based on a universal design (UD) that fosters children and teachers based on data and evidence by interviewing teachers and analyzing NEET (noneducation, employment, or training) cases. We were looking for an evidence-based tool to encourage playfulness in answering complex questions: How to support all children’s social and emotional development in their daily school routines? How to motivate teachers to start each lesson interactively and with fun? Researchers in the four countries (Germany, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) sought answers to these questions using the same questionnaires for teachers and experts. Still the experiences and traditions of teachers in the countries differed. This edited volume aims to reflect on the four countries’ affairs from a historical and pandemic perspective and create a simple, interactive algorithm that can help them learn and get to know themselves through the game. We aim to create a SEEP that encourages children and teachers to start and finish lessons from play and develop and learn about social-emotional competencies through play. It is an attempt to support emerging changes in learning culture as well. Low social capital (as the prosperity index records it)1 and poor mental health are significant characteristics of a pandemic, resulting in an increasing number of adolescent suicides. It is the leading cause of death of 15–19-year-olds in Lithuania and Estonia. Moreover, in Lithuania, the extent of bullying and pressure at school is constant, as it is in Estonia and Latvia. Still, all the countries, as mentioned earlier, have difficulty in building relationships based on trust. These factors, demonstrating the changed social-emotional situation at schools during COVID-19, need a new learning vision. The focus of this vision is the promotion ←11 | 12→of the implementation of social-emotional education elements in each lesson. Social-emotional education elements would encourage the application of new algorithms for social-emotional intelligence. While performing the research on social-emotional learning (SEL), the authors sought relevant data, enabling the social-emotional prototype. The constructed prototype would include integrated family support, support for each teacher and child, and their family’s success stories in the development of emotional therapy and integrated practice in social institutions and NGOs. Therefore, the authors aimed to make the SEEP suitable for family therapy, school practice, and comprehensive support and help to:

Create a good mood and mutual support for families and schools

Promote mutual understanding and emotional support between family members and classmates

Strengthen problem-solving skills and develop problem-solving strategies in a variety of life situations

Strengthen the child’s trust in family members, encourage parents to understand their child’s needs and behavior better, and for teachers to create optimistic socialization scenarios for a happy and healthy life

In this edited volume, Prototype Modelling in Social-Emotional Education the authors analyze SEL scenarios that work in all countries, especially for NEET youth. During the COVID-19 pandemic, children and young people became even more socially and emotionally impaired, because all children, young people, their parents, and teachers experienced a lot of social-emotional stress, and mental health problems increased. The authors also partially single out statistics related to NEET youth in Europe and highlight success stories in rural areas of the Baltic States, which are designed to promote positive emotions and motivation to learn. We focus on NEET young people because their situation is the most sensitive in this pandemic. The research methods include statistical analysis, case study, focus group discussions, and expert survey. Data on the experiences from different countries, success stories in social-emotional education, the youth unemployment situation, and the examples of successful programs for prevention of poverty and social exclusion were analyzed and discussed for modelling SEEP. The authors of the chapters in this edition: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg and Martina Möller from Germany, Danguolė Bylaitė-Šalavėjienė, Nijolė Čiučiulkienė, Giedrė Kvieskienė, Vytautas Kvieska, Arvydas Liepuonius (Lithuania), Aušra Rutkienė and Ilona Tanzegolskienė from Lithuania, and Karmen Trasberg from Estonia are representatives from the Heidelberg University of Education, Vytautas Magnus University, and Latvia and Tartu Universities. All research is backed by long-term experience in teacher training, qualifications, and social-emotional ←12 | 13→competencies and examines initiatives for developing resilience competencies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Germany, prioritizing the initiatives of risk groups. NEET youth are highlighted in the analysis of good cases to motivate and involve this group in active learning and work processes. The examples presented in the chapters confirm that the socio-emotional education of children and young people contributes to the success of children and young people and the communities in which they study or work.

Concerns about the current ineffective efforts to improve the well-being, prevention of harm, and mental health of many children during the COVID-19 pandemic led to the use and adoption of the Fetzer Institute’s analysis. We can use the main educational initiatives and innovations to compare this analysis with teachers’ and experts’ opinions from different countries. The Fetzer Institute’s idea (1994) is to meet with teachers, researchers, and child protection professionals working in prevention and behavioral correction. Therefore, continuing the initiatives of the Fetzer Institute, the authors of the chapters in this collection try to look for the most common features of a social-emotional prototype. They started by examining the processes of creating and modelling social-emotional prototypes. Positive socialization programs were analyzed, including character, resilience development, development of civic responsibility alongside socio-emotional education, drug, violence prevention, sex education, health promotion, school decentralization, partnerships, and networking between school family and local community representatives.

For decades, the interaction and cooperation of different social groups (school groups being among them) and their dependencies, similarities, and social capital have been studied, and subordinate models called “the environment” have been developed to solve significant social problems. This investigation is a part of the scientific research project regarding evaluating the influence of networking services in a socially sensitive pandemic situation for the education process. The authors of the edition introduce a Social-Emotional Education Prototype Module, which would empower teachers and education and support professionals during the interactive online education process. The detailed design of social-emotional education scenarios is expected to complement teachers’ and students’ well-being. The importance of being a part of a social network is one of the issues in the presented research. For this reason, the authors analyze social networks from the viewpoint of a teacher as a consumer. There were organized online target groups of teachers in the four countries that participated in the project. Most of them describe a particular behavior while sharing creative content in different networks. For this reason, there emerged a need to separate groups of social networks and specific groups, which are part of electronic markets and may ←13 | 14→be regarded as part of society, encompassing different attitudes and variables, which may influence social-emotional education. Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg and Martina Möller, in the chapter at the beginning of the first section, “Social-Emotional Conceptualizations: Online Learning Innovations and Prototypical Interfaces”, present primary introductory considerations on the situations in the historical and pandemic case with a focus on digitization and COVID-19, asking questions on how to reach children emotionally and design creative and safe educational relationships. The authors analyze insights into the psychological context focusing on emotional and social learning in psychological thought traditions.

The next chapter in the first section, “The Psychology of the Pandemic. Modelling of Social-Emotional Success in Educational Practice” by Arvydas Liepuonius, discusses research on the concept of success and the possibilities to include this practice in schools. Therefore, in the first section, Giedrė Kvieskienė, Nijolė Čiučiulkienė and Karmen Trasberg in “Collaborative Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for Children and Young People” define how SEL became an integral part of children and adults’ education and human development. SEL is the development process through which all young people and adults can apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop resilience, healthy identities, and self-awareness to manage one’s own emotions; achieve personal and group goals; feel and show empathy for others; establish supportive relationships; and make responsible and caring decisions. Vytautas Kvieska, in the next chapter in this section, “Robots and Gamification for Social-Emotional Success,” analyzes how to use digital media, artificial intelligence, education process robotization, and gamification. The author can feel a conflicted and, in part, critical attitude on the impact of digital media on a child’s (early) development but argues that it is essential in the teenage and youth period. The risks of media use associated with children’s brain development and emotional and social development initially dominated the debate in response to education policy efforts to promote digitization in education and research into children’s media use behavior. Digital media are already part of children’s lives. Thus, it is stimulating that both elementary and early childhood education take up this discourse and consider it in their training and continuing education. In the process, one can feel a contradiction, and, in part, teachers can also feel a critical attitude. As digitalization and COVID-19 can also reach children emotionally, the question of how pedagogical relationships can be shaped is naturally becoming prevalent.

In the second section of the edition, Giedrė Kvieskienė, Ilzė Ivanova, Karmen Trasberg and Ilzė Ivanova present the chapter “Social-Emotional Prototype Design with NEET”, justifying why social-emotional competencies are critical ←14 | 15→in adolescence, for young people not in education, employment, or training. The authors describe why they should single this group out by applying positive principles of discrimination and special support measures, designing additional emotional support and empathy. By understanding this situation, teachers and other education providers can anticipate the emotional reactions of this group and mitigate their negative aspects, for example, by providing additional counseling and adapting curricula to avoid disappointment. In their chapter in the third section of the volume, “Strategic Planning of Social and Emotional Skills Development: Methodology and Research”, Ilona Tanzegolskienė, Danguolė Bylaitė Šalavėjienė, Aušra Rutkienė, Ilzė Ivanova and Karmen Trasberg present results of research conducted in three countries on teachers’ and experts’ opinion about ways, scenarios, and methods concerning children’s and young people’s social-emotional development. At this point, the authors refer to Klaus Sarimski (Sarimski, 2015) and others who recently researched the connection between emotional competence and cognitive and linguistic development. The central strategy of the research is concentrated on the case study model. A case study is chosen because of its close relationship with a specific phenomenon or situation, “a case” functioning in a “real-world” context. What is essential in a case study is that an overview of the context of the case and other conditions associated with the issue provides one way to understand the point. A case study is appropriate when the study raises a “descriptive” question: “What is happening or what happened?” or an “explanatory” question: “How or why did something happen?” Finding answers to these questions helps to examine different points of view, understand the causes, find sequences that turn the situations into patterns of behavior, and examples to follow. The primary data collection was by a focus group method, matching the primary research strategy – the case study. Researchers conducted focus groups during three international conferences: “Civic education for Lithuanian and world success” in May 2021,23 “Social-Emotional Prototype Modelling: Distant Learning in COVID-19 Environment: NEET Cases”4 in October 2021, and “Social-Emotional ←15 | 16→Prototype Modelling: Remote Knowledge in COVID-19 Environment”,5 also in October 2021. Eight experts took part in the focus group discussions: two from Germany, two from Lithuania, and one each from Latvia and Estonia, Finland, and the Netherlands. The duration of all expert presentations and focus groups discussions was from 1.5 to 2 hours. Researchers prepared a preliminary plan for all focus groups, which helped to spread the group participants’ views on the SEEP prototype, to reveal and select success stories, and to find out the experts’ opinions on SEEP prioritization. Expert responses relevant to SEEP modelling are presented in the text. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative research methods, which the authors used in this research, and provided the data for this experimental study.


ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2022 (July)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2022. 270 pp., 69 fig. b/w, 9 tables.

Biographical notes

Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (Volume editor) Giedrė Kvieskienė (Volume editor)

Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg is Professor of Educational Science in Heidelberg. He received honorary doctorates from the Vilnius Academy of Educational Sciences at Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and from the University of Tallinn (Estonia). He has published several books on general education, schooling, teacher training, teaching profession and history of education. Giedrė Kvieskienė is Professor of Educational and Social Science and Director of the Vilnius Professional Development Institute at Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). She published more than 260 articles and widely known monographs about socialization and child well-being, positive socialization and social partnership.


Title: Prototype Modelling in Social-Emotional Education