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7. Some Critical Reflections on the Counter-Education of Gur-Ze’ev and the Abductive Reasoning of Peirce

von Alexandre Guilherme (Autor:in) Cristian Cipriani (Autor:in)
16 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Band 1 Ausgabe 2 Erscheinungsjahr 2019 pp. 137 - 152


This essay seeks to promote a philosophical-theoretical reflection on the interrelationship of the abductive reasoning of Peirce with the philosophical ideas of the counter-education project of Gur-Ze’ev. This is expressed in the question: Is abduction the most widely used type of reasoning in diasporic philosophy and counter-education? Starting from this question, we present the basic concepts of the authors, and then initiate an approximate dialogue between the central concepts. We believe it is possible, through the characteristics demanded by the principles proposed by Gur-Ze’ev, to conclude that abductive reasoning is the predominant mode of logic in diasporic philosophy and of counter-education.

Biographische Angaben

Alexandre Guilherme (Autor:in) Cristian Cipriani (Autor:in)


Titel: 7. Some Critical Reflections on the Counter-Education of Gur-Ze’ev and the Abductive Reasoning of Peirce