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8. Agency, Risk-taking and Identity in Entrepreneurship Education

von Wesley Shumar (Autor:in) Sarah Robinson (Autor:in)
21 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Band 1 Ausgabe 3 Erscheinungsjahr 2019 pp. 153 - 173


Universities around the world face a number of pressures. To cope with these pressures the language of entrepreneurship and innovation has arisen out of neoliberal ideologies. However, in some contexts, especially in Scandinavia, entrepreneurship has been re-defined to encompass a wider set of values than just the economic. Value today is most often thought of as economic value. But the role of the university could be to discuss what do we value. Learning focused around the things a society values involves a dynamic process of becoming for students and faculty. Students should be re-integrated into the core of knowledge production and creating new values. This is a process of transformation, of becoming for the students, where they act upon the world, take risks and grapple with the new, transforming themselves through the process. It is an agentic process that benefits both the individual and the communities they work with.

Biographische Angaben

Wesley Shumar (Autor:in) Sarah Robinson (Autor:in)


Titel: 8. Agency, Risk-taking and Identity in Entrepreneurship Education