
Monolingualer und bilingualer Erwerb von Wortbildungsstrategien im Deutschen

by Anna-Lena Scherger (Author) Lena Kliemke (Author)
31 Pages
Open Access
Journal: Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation Volume 5 Issue 2 Year 2021 pp. 4 - 34


The present study investigates word formation processes and strategies in monolingual and bilingual children by age 7 to 8. Using an elicitation task in form of naming of low frequent complex objects, it is analyzed whether bilingual children use other word formation strategies than monolinguals do. Therefore,

Biographical notes

Anna-Lena Scherger (Author) Lena Kliemke (Author)


Title: Monolingualer und bilingualer Erwerb von Wortbildungsstrategien im Deutschen