
The distribution of constituent words in nominal compounds and its impact on semantic interpretation: an empirical study

by Annelen Brunner (Author) Stefan Engelberg (Author) Katrin Hein (Author)
31 Pages
Open Access
Journal: Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word Formation Volume 5 Issue 1 Year 2021 pp. 6 - 36


The paper explores factors that influence the distribution of constituent words of compounds over the head and modifier position. The empirical basis for the study is a large database of German compounds, annotated with respect to the morphological structure of the compound and the semantic category of the constituents. The study shows that the polysemy of the constituent word, its constituent family size, and its semantic category account for tendencies of the constituent word to occur in either modifier or head position. Furthermore, the paper explores the degree to which the semantic category combination of head and modifier word, e.g., x=

Biographical notes

Annelen Brunner (Author) Stefan Engelberg (Author) Katrin Hein (Author)


Title: The distribution of constituent words in nominal compounds and its impact on semantic interpretation: an empirical study