
Performing States-Of-In-Between: Dogs, Parrots, and Other Humans in Recent Austrian Performances

by Sabine Wilke (Author)
16 Pages
Open Access
Journal: literatur für leser:innen Volume 40 Issue 3 pp. 295 - 310


Every late spring since 1951, the Wiener Festwochen bring performers from around the world to Vienna for an opportunity to share recent developments in performance styles and present them to a Viennese public that seems to be increasingly open to experimentation. These festival weeks solidify a specific form of Viennese self-understanding and self-representation as a culture that is rooted in performance. This essay seeks to link two recent Austrian performances—one of them was part of the Wiener Festwochen in 2016, the other was staged in downtown Linz during the past few years—to this Austrian and specifically Viennese culture of performance by reading them as contemporary articulations of a tradition of radical performance art that can be traced back to the Viennese Actionism of the sixties and later feminist articulations in the seventies and eighties. They play on the dramatic effect of these actions, specifically their joy in cruelty, chaos, and orgiastic intoxication, by staging regressions and thus making visible what has been dammed up and repressed in contemporary society.



Biographical notes

Sabine Wilke (Author)


Title: Performing States-Of-In-Between: Dogs, Parrots, and Other Humans in Recent Austrian Performances