
Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies

Vegan Studies for Total Liberation

by Nathan Poirier (Volume editor) Anthony J. Nocella II (Volume editor) Annie Bernatchez (Volume editor)
©2022 Textbook XX, 130 Pages


Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies: Vegan Studies for Total Liberation, co-edited by Nathan Poirier, Anthony J. Nocella II, and Annie Bernatchez of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, is a brilliant radical engaging intersectional book promoting total liberation from new fresh critical animal studies voices throughout the world. This captivating critical animal studies collection, influenced by historical and ongoing radical movements such as green anarchism, Black liberation, prison abolition, feminism, Queer liberation, disability rights, and decolonization, is one of the most powerful texts in the last decade within the animal liberation movement. We must begin to listen to new and young scholars for social justice to evolve in order to end speciesism and all forms of oppression. Read, share, reflect and act on this interdisciplinary collection of scholar-activists from sociology, anthropology, criminology, economics, philosophy, cultural studies, eco-theology, environmental studies, and education that will transform the global movement for radical social justice and propel total liberation forward.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Advance Praise
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword (Sean Parson)
  • Preface (Kati Lewis)
  • Introduction: Dismantling Speciesism for Total Liberation (Nathan Poirier, Annie Bernatchez, and Anthony J. Nocella II)
  • Chapter One: When the Animal-Industrial Complex Grows … Leaves? (Allison Gray)
  • Chapter Two: Agency and Suffering in Animal Studies and in Animal Liberation (Maryline El Khoury and Kenzo Jacquemin)
  • Chapter Three: “It’s a Privilege”: A Critical Examination of University Students’ Perspectives of Animal Experimentation in Science Education (Alaina Interisano)
  • Chapter Four: Nonhuman “Others”: A Theology of Hope and Liberation (Sarah Tomasello)
  • Chapter Five: The V-Stamp as an Indirect Crime Against the Animals (Annie Bernatchez)
  • Chapter Six: The Phaeton Conflict in Turkey: The Case of Animal Domination in Istanbul Adalar (Deniz Hosbay Bayraktar)
  • Chapter Seven: A Comparison of the Local Governments in Terms of Approaches to Stray Animals in Turkey (Deniz Hosbay Bayraktar and Ozgur Bayraktar)
  • Afterword (Will Boisseau)
  • Contributors’ Biographies
  • Index
  • Series index

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We the editors (Anthony J. Nocella II, Nathan Poirier, and Annie Bernatchez) of this book would like to thank first the contributors within this book—Sean Parson, Kati Lewis, Allison Gray, Maryline El Khoury, Kenzo Jacquemin, Alaina Interisano, Sarah Tomasello, Annie Bernatchez, Deniz Hosbay Bayraktar, Ozgur Bayraktar, and Will Boisseau. We would also like to thank the publisher Peter Lang Publishing and those that work with the publisher such as Jackie Pavlovic, Patty Mulrane, Dani Green, and Preetha Ambat. We would also like to thank those that wrote reviews for the book: Z. Zane McNeill, Kati Lewis, Peace Studies Journal, Dr. S. Marek Muller, Dr. Richard J. White, Dr. David Nibert, Lucas Alan Dietsche, Dr. Clyde Rivers, J. Ellis, and Dr. Erik Juergensmeyer. This book would not be possible if not for the organizations and academic departments that support our scholarship and activism such as Save the Kids, Academy for Peace Education, Utah Reintegration Project, Ecoability Collective, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Lowrider Studies Book Series, Arissa Media Group, Poetry Behind the Walls, Wisdom Behind the Walls, Durango Peace and Justice, Salt Lake Peace and Justice, Green Theory and Praxis Journal, Transformative Justice Journal, Department of Criminal Justice at Salt Lake Community College, Peace Studies Journal, Institute for Critical Animal Studies, Academy for Critical Animal Studies, Critical Animal Studies Society, Lowrider Studies Journal, and Journal of Hip Hop Studies. Finally, would like to thank our friends and family.

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In particular, Nathan would like to thank Tom Dietz and Linda Kalof for providing scholarly direction to help protect nonhuman animals and the environment, those involved at the Institute for Critical Animal Studies for their tireless work that aims to bring about total liberation of which this book is a small part, my partner Erin for selflessly putting up with me (still) attending graduate school while she works a full-time office job, and my parents for being ever supportive of my lifelong ambitions in whatever direction they have taken.

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Sean Parson

Writing at the, hopefully, end of a pandemic is different than it was before. Like all social, political, and ecological crises, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the tensions that already existed in our society and brought them to the fore. For instance, during the year 2020, it is estimated that the world’s billionaires saw a jaw-dropping 54% increase in their wealth. While most people struggled financially, as job losses peaked and governments did little to protect working folks, and emotionally, as the weight of well over 3.5 million dead haunt the memory of the living. Mothers, daughters, sons, neighbors, friends, strangers have died in mass during this last year. Sadly, the crippling economic and psychological costs of the year are more an example of things to come with the catastrophic aspects of climate change only worsening each year, as economic inequality grows to record levels and as neo-fascist political mobilizations grow throughout the world. We are at a time—and maybe we always are—in which what we collectively do now lays bare whether we ended up with, as Rosa Luxemburg famously said, “socialism or barbarism.” Yet, in the public debates and discussion for the future—especially in mainstream media and in most leftist sources—this question is always centered around the quality of life of humans. The nonhuman animals are erased from the discussion. Primarily because for nonhuman animals whose bodies are bred, raised, and slaughtered for the benefit of human animals’ barbarism has been the norm.

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For instance, on average, around nine billion chickens are murdered in the United States alone. The mass graves of chicken bones are so extensive that these remains will be one of the “artifacts” of the Anthropocene—the new geological era defined by the global impact of the human species on planetary systems. These mass graves, along with plastics and radiation, will trace the marks of industrial Capitalism for millennia. Yet, this devastation was promoted and benefited only a tiny subset of the human species. Indigenous populations, the global south, and poor and destitute in the so-called North experience a disproportionate amount of the violence from industrial Capitalism but are often excluded from the benefits. In a system where profit and accumulation are all that matter, life—both human and non—are commodified. This opens the space for everyone to become a potential sacrifice to the gods of Capitalism.

Yet, the human violence to nonhumans inevitably cycles back to impact humans as well. Life is, in fact, interconnected. We cannot alter or destroy a part of our world without everyone experiencing the repercussions of that violence. This interconnection is dangerous for capitalism, as it knows that for it to exploit us all, it needs to isolate and alienate. Following the dictates and logic of neoliberal Capitalism there is pressure to focus our attention on only our own well-being, our own branding, and our own liberation. What is lost with this mindset is that old wobbly slogan, “An Injury to One is an Injury to All.”

An example is the development of covid. While there is debate, and conspiracy theory accusations, about the origin of Covid, the most likely outcome, given the scientific evidence so far, is that the virus is zoogenic, meaning it spread from a nonhuman animal to a human animal. The most likely culprits are either bats or pangolins. The spreading of diseases from nonhuman animals to human animals is not new, but the process is intensified by industrial animal agriculture and the expansion of human development into natural areas worldwide. Thus, the horrific violence of industrial animal agriculture is, thus, in large part, to blame for the global pandemic. Yet, like most topics, the animal question gets erased. What goes around comes around. The pandemic, not often framed this way, is a lesson in the importance of a total liberation approach. Human liberation is linked to animal liberation, and both require ecological justice.

This was a long way to get to the importance and value of this book. Critical animal studies has been a leading voice analyzing and resisting the commodification of life and industrial capitalism’s barbarism. Unlike most academic fields or disciplines, critical animal studies has always centered praxis. The work is not purely intellectual or performative, which sadly most academic work is. As an approach to critical theory, CAS calls on the scholars to be activists and on the activists to be a scholar. It also, unlike a lot of well-funded nonprofit oriented animal rights organizations—like PETA—understands the complexity of modern life under industrial Capitalism, Racial Capitalism, and settler colonialism and ←xii | xiii→advocates for an anti-capitalism that centers not just animal liberation but the abolition of white supremacy, patriarchy, militarism, settler colonialism, ableism, and all other destructive structures that cause violence and limit flourishing and happiness for all. Critical animal studies adds an essential voice to the debates that happen in the halls of academia, among individuals strategizing actions inspired by the ELF and ALF, and in the consensus meetings of activists in parks and community centers. The new voices in this book are an example of the activist-scholar and scholar-activist that makes CAS unique. We also see the injection of a new spirit, new focus, new passion, and new ideas. These ideas do not come just from the classrooms—as we see way too often in academia—but from people committed to the work on the ground. Their experiences and deep passions made this book happen, and it’s those passions and activist projects that make CAS the powerful voice it is.


XX, 130
ISBN (Softcover)
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2022 (February)
Critical Theory Critical Animal Studies Social Problems Ecology Environmental Studies Social Science Sociology Animal Rights Animal Liberation Criminology Nathan Poirier Anthony J. Nocella II Annie Bernatchez Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2022. XX, 130 pp.

Biographical notes

Nathan Poirier (Volume editor) Anthony J. Nocella II (Volume editor) Annie Bernatchez (Volume editor)

Nathan Poirier is a doctorate student in sociology with specializations in critical animal studies and women’s and gender studies. He is Co-Director of Students for Critical Animal Studies. Nathan’s main interests include intersectionality, anarchism, animals, resource consumption, radical social movements, and critical pedagogy. Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., scholar-activist and co-founder of critical animal studies and founder of radical animal studies is an Assistant Professor of Criminology at Salt Lake Community College, Editor of the Peace Studies Journal, Director of Save the Kids, and Executive Director of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies. Annie Bernatchez is a doctorate student in sociology. As a political sociologist in the fields of social movements and critical studies, her research interests focus on emotion, animal liberation, activism, and criminalization in Canada.


Title: Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies