
Al-Jazeera and US War Coverage

Foreword by Simon Cottle

by Tal Samuel-Azran (Author)
©2010 Textbook XII, 161 Pages


Since the eve of the war in Afghanistan, Al-Jazeera has become a global household name and a news source that cannot be ignored. Globalization theorists argue that Al-Jazeera promotes a cross-cultural debate, enforcing a counter-hegemonic perspective on the West not evident in former crises. Through a comprehensive empirical analysis covering the re-broadcasting of Al-Jazeera’s images on major U.S. television networks since 9/11, this book draws an alternative picture, revealing that the advent of Al-Jazeera has actually eroded the counter-hegemonic debate in U.S. war reporting. It shows how the U.S. government persuaded television networks to systematically reformat legitimate war images from Al-Jazeera, labeling it a deviant network, in order to eliminate criticism of the war. Moreover, an examination of the U.S. reception by bloggers and network carriers of Al-Jazeera’s English-language website and channel reveals the U.S. administration’s continued resolve and ability to limit public discourse.


XII, 161
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
9/11 Al-Jazeera global public sphere international communication contraflow counter-publics counter-hegemony clash of civilizations War on Terror Al Qaeda issue publics media and communication studies US media political communication
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2010. XII, 161 pp.

Biographical notes

Tal Samuel-Azran (Author)

The Author: Tal Samuel-Azran is a lecturer in the Sammy Ofer School of Communications at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzlia, Israel. He holds a Ph.D. in media and communications from the University of Melbourne and has published widely on Al-Jazeera and media globalization. He has also served as a reporter for several Israeli journals and newspapers. He recently co-edited the book New Media and Innovative Technologies (2008).


Title: Al-Jazeera and US War Coverage