
Truths and Myths of Cyber-bullying

International Perspectives on Stakeholder Responsibility and Children’s Safety

by Shaheen Shariff (Volume editor) Andrew H. Churchill (Volume editor)
©2010 Textbook XX, 301 Pages


Truths and Myths of Cyber-bullying features the work of internationally reputed researchers and program directors concerned with issues of cyber-bullying and internet safety. The book contains three sections, organizing the content for easy reference and classroom use. The first section introduces readers to the various ways in which researchers conceptualize cyber-bullying; the second provides a comprehensive review of legal considerations and communication rights; and the final section reviews a sampling of intervention programs designed to help build safer communities. Each chapter contributes to dispelling common myths about technology and develops an appreciation of the potential roles and responsibilities of a wide spectrum of stakeholders.


XX, 301
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Computers Case study Cyberbullying Cyber-bullying Bullying Internet Technology Schools Teaching Management Research Law Legal Cases Programs Education
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2010. XX, 301 pp.

Biographical notes

Shaheen Shariff (Volume editor) Andrew H. Churchill (Volume editor)

The Editors: Shaheen Shariff is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at McGill University, and an international expert on cyber-bullying. Her research and teaching are grounded in the study of law as it impacts educational policy, pedagogy, and practice. Specifically, her work addresses the emerging policy vacuum on parent and school responsibilities to supervise and intervene when children and teenagers engage in bullying at school and in cyber-space. Her publications are listed at http://people.mcgill.ca/shaheen.shariff and include Cyber-bullying: Issues and Solutions for the School, the Classroom, and the Home and Confronting Cyber-bullying: What Schools Need to Know to Control Misconduct and Avoid Legal Consequences. Shariff has authored and co-authored numerous articles, has appeared on both radio and television, has spoken at schools and research conferences throughout the world, and is Principal Investigator on three collaborative national and international projects studying the phenomenon of cyber-bullying, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Andrew H. Churchill is a writing instructor in the McGill Centre for Teaching and Writing and a research assistant for the International Project on Cyber-bullying. In collaboration with Shaheen Shariff, he has presented his research in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand. He has also spoken at schools and worked as a research consultant for the Quebec English School Board Task Force on Internet and Technology. His doctoral work is a critical analysis of the media coverage of charter schools. As part of this work, he edited Rocking Your World: The Emotional Journey into Critical Discourses (2008).


Title: Truths and Myths of Cyber-bullying