
Trust and Communication: Foundations of Interconnectivity

by Anil Jacob Kunnel (Author)
©2021 Thesis 214 Pages
Open Access


In today’s global and digitalized world, the investigation of relational trust as part of social connections has remained a popular and interdisciplinary academic topic. This book explores the idea of trust as a basic type of information processing that might be as old as human existence but has gained new attention with the emergence of online communication channels. The result is a strategic reconsideration of the brain’s role in the formation of social relationships and a new look at how information might shape our confidence in others.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • Detailed List of Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1 Social Relationships and Trust
  • 2 Between Social and Mental States
  • 2.1 Theoretical Assumptions on the Functionality of Trust
  • 2.1.1 The Role of Trust in the Experience of Others
  • 2.1.2 The Role of Trust in Social Interactions
  • 2.1.3 The Role of Trust in Social Ties and Networks
  • 2.1.4 The Role of Trust in Social Structuring and Information Exchanges
  • 2.2 Empirical Approaches to the Formation of Trust
  • 2.2.1 Behavioral Approaches to Trust
  • 2.2.2 Unidimensional Cognitive Approaches to Trust
  • 2.2.3 Two-Dimensional Cognitive Approaches to Trust
  • 2.2.4 Transformational Cognitive Approaches to Trust
  • 2.2.5 Process-Oriented Approaches to Trust
  • 2.2.6 Network Approaches to Trust
  • 2.3 Trust through the Framework of Human Information Processing
  • 3 Social Presence
  • 3.1 Traditional Views of the Social Environment as a Social Universe
  • 3.2 The Social Environment as a Social Multiverse
  • 3.3 Social Presence and Our Implicit Awareness of Others
  • 3.4 Social Presence in the Context of Information Processing
  • 3.5 The Processing of Social Presence in Direct Copresence
  • 3.6 The Processing of Social Presence in Mediated Interactions
  • 3.6.1 The Processing of Social Presence in Unidirectional Channels
  • 3.6.2 The Processing of Social Presence in Bidirectional Channels
  • 3.6.3 The Processing of Social Presence in Multidirectional Channels
  • 3.7 Social Presence as the Main Stimulus to the Experience of Social Relationships
  • 4 Social Interference
  • 4.1 The Significance of Memory for the Information Processing of Social Presence
  • 4.2 A Simplified Model of the Information Processing of Social Presence
  • 4.3 The Significance of Long-Term Memory for the Processing of Social Presence
  • 4.4 The Memorization of Actor-Related Information Deriving from the Processing of Social Presence
  • 4.5 Intersubjectivity and the Memorization of Relational Information
  • 4.6 Social Interference
  • 4.6.1 Interfering Experience of Interaction
  • 4.6.2 Interfering Character Traits and Features
  • 4.6.3 Interfering Sense of Belonging
  • 4.7 Relational Knowledge as the Foundation for the Perception of Social Relationships
  • 4.8 Relational Knowledge as the Foundation for Trust
  • 5 Trust and Relational Confidence
  • 5.1 Conductional Vigilance
  • 5.2 Conductional Risk and the Inability to Process Contingencies of Social Interaction
  • 5.3 Additional Factors Influencing the Experience of Conductional Vigilance
  • 5.4 Conductional Vigilance as Part of Trust’s Operating Range and Efficacy
  • 5.5 Trust and Its Supply of Relational Confidence
  • 5.6 Trust as Prior to Cognitive Evaluation, Rationality, and the Building of Expectations
  • 5.7 Trust as a Mental Algorithm
  • 6 Trust and Social Interaction
  • 6.1 Trust’s Ease of Conduct and Dynamic Range
  • 6.2 Trust’s Functionality for the Social Performance and Navigation of Individuals
  • 6.3 Trust’s Ease of Conduct as an Attribute of Individuals in Social Ties
  • 6.4 Trust and Multirelationality
  • 6.5 Trust’s General Impact on the Emergence and Disruption of Social Structures
  • 6.6 Trust as Susceptible to Mass Communication
  • 7 Trust and Mass Communication
  • 7.1 Trust in the Light of Expanding Human Communication Networks
  • 7.2 Trust and Public Mediators
  • 7.3 Reliability, Consistency, and Transparency in the Reception of Public Mediators
  • 7.4 Trustworthiness as a Substitute to Trust in Social Interactions
  • 7.5 Trustworthiness as a Product of Collective Memory
  • 7.6 Interdependencies between Trust and Trustworthiness
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Figures

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Detailed List of Contents


1 Social Relationships and Trust

2 Between Social and Mental States

2.1 Theoretical Assumptions on the Functionality of Trust

2.1.1 The Role of Trust in the Experience of Others

2.1.2 The Role of Trust in Social Interactions

2.1.3 The Role of Trust in Social Ties and Networks

2.1.4 The Role of Trust in Social Structuring and Information Exchanges

2.2 Empirical Approaches to the Formation of Trust

2.2.1 Behavioral Approaches to Trust

2.2.2 Unidimensional Cognitive Approaches to Trust

2.2.3 Two-Dimensional Cognitive Approaches to Trust

2.2.4 Transformational Cognitive Approaches to Trust

2.2.5 Process-Oriented Approaches to Trust

2.2.6 Network Approaches to Trust

2.3 Trust through the Framework of Human Information Processing

3 Social Presence

3.1 Traditional Views of the Social Environment as a Social Universe

3.2 The Social Environment as a Social Multiverse

3.3 Social Presence and Our Implicit Awareness of Others

3.4 Social Presence in the Context of Information Processing

3.5 The Processing of Social Presence in Direct Copresence

3.6 The Processing of Social Presence in Mediated Interactions

3.6.1 The Processing of Social Presence in Unidirectional Channels

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3.6.2 The Processing of Social Presence in Bidirectional Channels

3.6.3 The Processing of Social Presence in Multidirectional Channels

3.7 Social Presence as the Main Stimulus to the Experience of Social Relationships

4 Social Interference

4.1 The Significance of Memory for the Information Processing of Social Presence

4.2 A Simplified Model of the Information Processing of Social Presence

4.3 The Significance of Long-Term Memory for the Processing of Social Presence

4.4 The Memorization of Actor-Related Information Deriving from the Processing of Social Presence

4.5 Intersubjectivity and the Memorization of Relational Information

4.6 Social Interference

4.6.1 Interfering Experience of Interaction

4.6.2 Interfering Character Traits and Features

4.6.3 Interfering Sense of Belonging

4.7 Relational Knowledge as the Foundation for the Perception of Social Relationships

4.8 Relational Knowledge as the Foundation for Trust

5 Trust and Relational Confidence

5.1 Conductional Vigilance

5.2 Conductional Risk and the Inability to Process Contingencies of Social Interaction

5.3 Additional Factors Influencing the Experience of Conductional Vigilance

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5.4 Conductional Vigilance as Part of Trust’s Operating Range and Efficacy

5.5 Trust and Its Supply of Relational Confidence

5.6 Trust as Prior to Cognitive Evaluation, Rationality, and the Building of Expectations

5.7 Trust as a Mental Algorithm

6 Trust and Social Interaction

6.1 Trust’s Ease of Conduct and Dynamic Range

6.2 Trust’s Functionality for the Social Performance and Navigation of Individuals

6.3 Trust’s Ease of Conduct as an Attribute of Individuals in Social Ties

6.4 Trust and Multirelationality

6.5 Trust’s General Impact on the Emergence and Disruption of Social Structures

6.6 Trust as Susceptible to Mass Communication

7 Trust and Mass Communication

7.1 Trust in the Light of Expanding Human Communication Networks

7.2 Trust and Public Mediators

7.3 Reliability, Consistency, and Transparency in the Reception of Public Mediators

7.4 Trustworthiness as a Substitute to Trust in Social Interactions

7.5 Trustworthiness as a Product of Collective Memory

7.6 Interdependencies between Trust and Trustworthiness

8 Conclusion

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Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Open Access
Publication date
2024 (February)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 214 pp., 20 fig. b/w.

Biographical notes

Anil Jacob Kunnel (Author)

Anil Jacob Kunnel is a German researcher, writer, and filmmaker. He received his MA in communication science, German philology and English philology and has since dealt with the changing social realities of an interconnected world in both his scientific and artistic work.


Title: Trust and Communication: Foundations of Interconnectivity