
Management and Organization: Various Approaches

by Yasin Cakirel (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 274 Pages


The volume provides a collection of research papers in the area of management and organization on a wide range of topics including job alienation, whistleblowing, responsible leadership, cyberloafing, job crafting, organizational trust and career satisfaction.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Foreword
  • About the editor
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • New Career Approaches and Career Capital
  • Human Resources Development Climate: Characteristics and Related Employee Behaviors
  • Cyberloafing in Organizations: Job Quality and Job Involvement as Predictors of Employees’ Cyberloafing Behaviors
  • The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Job Embeddedness: A Theoretical Approach
  • Work Alienation
  • On the Way to Sustainability: Organizational DNA
  • Emotional Labor and New Approaches
  • Responsible Leadership
  • On Duties and Responsibilities of Human Resources Management
  • The Rise of the Crowd Work under the Gig Economy: Implications for Human Resource Management
  • Changing the Limits of Work: Job Crafting and Its Importance
  • Whistleblowing Concept and Management Process
  • Digital Transformation vs. Managerial Transformation
  • The Moderating Role of Coworker Support in the Interaction Between Workplace Happiness and Innovative Work Behavior
  • Moderating Role of Cultural Intelligence in Interaction Between Will to Accept a Foreign Job, and an Openness to Experience Personality and Multicultural Behavior
  • Decent Work: As a Strategy of HR Sustainability
  • The Effect of the Perceived Leadership Behaviors of Ship Managers on the Contextual Performance of Seafarers
  • Alternative Work Arrangements in Organizations: Key Dimensions and Future Directions
  • The Moderator Role of Negative Environment Perceptions in the Effect of Achievement Motivation on Work Values in Entrepreneurship
  • Servant Leadership
  • The Role of Professional Vitality in the Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Career Satisfaction
  • A Comparison of Public Health Insurance: The Case of Turkey and the United States of America
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables

List of Contributors

Fahri Erenel

Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Istinye University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Business Management


Tahsin Akcakanat

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Süleyman Demirel University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Business Management and Organization


Hasan Huseyin Uzunbacak

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Süleyman Demirel University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Business Management and Organization


Mehmet Dinc

PhD; Süleyman Demirel University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Human Resources Management


Basak Dogan

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Kırklareli University,

School of Applied Sciences,

Department of International Trade and Logistics


Murat Yorulmaz

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Yalova University,

Yalova Vocational School,

Department of Maritime Transportation and Business.


Adviye Asli Denizli

Research Assistant Dr.; Marmara University,

Vocational School of Social Sciences,

Department of Management and Organization


Gonen İlkar Dundar

Professor Dr.; İstanbul University,

Faculty of Business Administration,

Department of Human Resources Management


Ozge Can

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Yasar University,

Faculty of Business,

Department of Business Administration


Burcak Vatansever Durmaz

PhD.; Bahçeşehir University


Anil Boz Semerci

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Hacettepe University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,

Department of Business Administration,


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Guller Banu Karaman Menemencioglu

Dr.; İzmir Kavram Vocational College of Higher Education

Department of Property Protection and Security

Occupational Health and Safety Program


Ahmet Sait Ozkul

Assistant Professor: Suleyman Demirel University,

Faculty of Communication,


Omer Lutfi Antalyali

Associate Professor: Suleyman Demirel University,

Faculty of Communication,


Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University,


Ayse Gokcen Kapusuz

Asst. Prof. Dr.: Selçuk University

Beyşehir Ali Akkanat Faculty of Tourism

Department of Tourism Management



Alptekin Develi

Lecturer: Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University,

Resadiye Vocational School,

Tokat, Turkey,


Bilal Ezilmez

Lecturer: Bandırma On Yedi Eylül Üniversitesi


Canan Çetin

Prof. Dr.:

Marmara University (retired)


Ezgi Dede



Gaye Özçelik

Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Istanbul Bilgi University


Mustafa Babadag

Lecturer Dr.: Mugla Sitki Kocman University, mustafababadag@mu.edu.tr

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0198-7105

Gokhan Kerse

Asst. Prof.: Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, gokhankerse@hotmail.com,

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-1565-9110

Gozde Kosa

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Kafkas University,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Management and Organization


Hakan Aslan

Marketing Coordinator, Graduate School of Social Sciences

Bahçeşehir University


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Meryem Aybas

Asst. Prof. Dr.; Kafkas University

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science,

Department of Business Management and Organization


Resul Baltaci

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi,


Mehmet Yorulmaz

Assist. Prof.:

Selçuk University

Faculty of Health Sciences-Turkey


Burhanettin Uysal


General Health Department-Turkey


Adviye Asli Denizli

New Career Approaches and Career Capital

1 Introduction

The term career is derived from the Latin word carraria, which means road. However, different meanings have been attributed to this term in time. With this evolution, the modern meaning of the word “career” refers to an occupation or employment type that involves an opportunity to advance (Arthur and Lawrence, 1984). Career may also be defined as accumulations of information and knowledge embodied in skills, expertise, and relationship networks acquired through an evolving sequence of work experiences over time (Bird, 1994).

Although the concept of career had emerged and been discussed by different disciplines such as psychology and sociology earlier, it was addressed by studies focusing on the right interaction between individuals and organizations and career management in the late 1970s. Starting from the 1980s, the subject of career has become a separate field of study under business administration and part of the human resources management system (Adamson, Doherty, and Viney, 1998).

The perspective toward the concept of career, which is of interest to many different disciplines, has changed with developments that affect professional life, and the traditional career approach has been replaced by new career approaches. This section primarily focuses on the change in the nature of career as a concept and the emergence of new career approaches. It then explains new career approaches, introduces the concept of career capital, and finally discusses the role of this concept with regard to new career approaches.

2 The Evolving Nature of Career and the Emergence of New Career Approaches

Advancements in information and communication technologies, changes in the structure of organizations due to economic and technological developments, and the changing structure of psychological contract can be suggested as the most significant reasons behind the change observed in the nature of the concept of career. The traditional career approach, which involves an employee spending his or her entire professional life in one or two organizations and displaying a linear advancement in hierarchical ranks within the organization, has been abandoned due to ←15 | 16→the aforementioned reasons. This traditional approach has been replaced by new career approaches that involve multiple organizations and is even shaped independent of organizations, support not only vertical movement, but also horizontal and diagonal movements, and allow employees develop in more than one area.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2019 (April)
Human research Organizational behaviour
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 274 pp., 19 fig. b/w, 30 tables

Biographical notes

Yasin Cakirel (Volume editor)

Yasin Cakirel holds a PhD in Management and Organization. He works at Kırklareli University. His areas of interest include leadership and competitiveness of organizations.


Title: Management and Organization: Various Approaches