
«Gulliver's Travels» and «Ching-hua yuan» Revisited

A Menippean Approach

by An-Chi Wang (Author)
©1995 Others XI, 175 Pages


The similarity between Gulliver's Travels and Ching-hua yuan (Flowers in the Mirror) is a popular topic of debate in Western-Chinese comparative literature. This book re-evaluates these studies and applies the newly rediscovered mode of Menippean satire to clarify their significance. The Menippean interpretation demonstrates that the resemblance of these two works is particularly meaningful; they each criticize their respective cultural traditions and the 'glorious philosophies' of their time. Furthermore, they do not attack human vices and social institutions in the manner of traditional satire. This study clarifies many of the controversial points critics have observed and argued over, and reveals the texts' typical Menippean characteristics.


XI, 175
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., Paris, Wien, 1995. XI, 175 pp.

Biographical notes

An-Chi Wang (Author)

The Author: An-chi Wang is an associate professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at the National Taiwan University in Taipei. She received a B.A. and an M.A. in Anglo-American Literature and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the National Taiwan University. Dr. Wang is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the English Department at Pennsylvania State University.


Title: «Gulliver's Travels» and «Ching-hua yuan» Revisited