
The African Continuum and Contemporary African American Women Writers

Their Literary Presence and Ancestral Past

by Marion Kraft (Author)
©1995 Thesis 292 Pages


Starting from the principle of the African continuum and based on concepts of an afrocentric feminist epistemology, this study traces back African cultural traditions and narrative strategies in works by African American women writers. It examines the inscription of the Black woman's voice into the Western text and analyses conceptions of female bonding, flexible gender roles, matrilineal myths and legends, trickster figures, folktales, tonal language and double-voiced structures of address as constituting elements in the development of a specific literary canon of women writers of the African diaspora in the USA. Focusing on these textual politics, the study aims at contributing to the ongoing discourse on Black feminist aesthetics.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien, 1995. 292 pp., 3 fig.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Marion Kraft (Author)

The Author: Marion Kraft is a Black teacher, born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, in 1946. She studied German, English and Philosophy at the Universities of Cologne, Columbus, Ohio, and Frankfurt a.M., graduated in 1976 and received her teacher's degree in secondary education in 1978. She has been teaching English and Women's Studies at the Oberstufen-Kolleg des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen an der Universität Bielefeld since 1982. A translator of poems by Audre Lorde and a co-editor of an anthology on Black Women's culture and politics, she has also published several essays on African American Women's literature. From 1989 to 1991 she was a visiting lecturer at the University of Osnabrück, from which she received her doctorate.


Title: The African Continuum and Contemporary African American Women Writers