
China and the EU in the Era of Regional and Interregional Cooperation

by Mario Telo (Volume editor) Yuan Feng (Volume editor)
©2020 Edited Collection 374 Pages


This book is the outcome of a multi-annual study of Chinese and European research institutions that addresses the partnership between the EU and China and its political and economic implications.
The book’s distinct focus is to situate this multipurpose relationship within the context of the multidisciplinary academic debate about China’s interregional relations with specific regions (i.e. Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East), notably the Belt and Road initiative (BRI).
Both the economic and political dimensions of the international rise of China are critically analysed, with special attention to opportunities, risks, challenges and controversial issues. The international set of authors uniquely combines academics and decision makers as well as experts and think tank leaders.
The collection includes contributions by Mario Telò, Sun Jisheng, Lin Hongyu, Zhao Jiakun, Wei Ling, Uwe Wissenbach, Feng Yuan, Jean-François Di Meglio, Shi Shiwei, Jürgen Rüland, Fabricio Rodríguez, Sebastian Santander, Wang Jin, Guy Burton, Geoffrey Harris, Jia Ruixia, Zhang Min and Gerald Stahl.
"A truly collaborative project combining stimulating contributions from China and Europe that collectively provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for all those interested in analyzing an ever more complex and important relationship"
Professor Shaun Breslin, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, Co-Editor of The Pacific Review

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • List of Abbreviations
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Introduction: (Mario Telò and Yuan Feng)
  • Part One: Theorizing Regionalism, Interregionalism and International Relation
  • Comparative Regionalism/Interregionalism and International Relations Theory: (Mario Telò)
  • Observing the Belt and Road Initiative from the Perspective of Regional and Interregional Cooperation: A Theoretical Perspective: (Jisheng Sun)
  • Regionality and Multilayered Diplomacy: (Jiakun Zhao and Hongyu Lin)
  • Part Two: China as a Regional and Global Power: The Political and Economic Dimensions
  • Developmental Regionalism and the Belt and Road Initiative: (Ling Wei)
  • North-East Asia’s Conflicted Regionness: (Uwe Wissenbach)
  • Comparative Analysis of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: (Yuan Feng)
  • The China Model and the Specific Case of China within the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’: (Jean-François Di Meglio)
  • BRI and China’s Opening Up Policy: Opportunities and Challenges – from the Perspective of the Global Value Chain: (Shiwei Shi)
  • Part Three: China Interregional Relations: The Cases of Latin America, Middle East
  • Interregionalism, Global Governance and China’s Relations with Latin America: A Theory-Guided Analysis: (Jürgen Rüland and Fabricio Rodríguez)
  • The Atlantic Triangle in the Era of China’s Rising Power in Latin America: (Sebastian Santander)
  • China’s Interregional Ties with the Middle East: Concerns, Interests and Challenges: (Jin Wang)
  • China and Regionalism in the Middle East: (Guy Burton)
  • Part Four: The China-EU Multidimensional Interregional Partnership in the Context of the Changing Economic and Political Order
  • The Unstable Triangular Relationship between China, EU, and the USA: (Geoffrey Harris)
  • The ‘16+1’ Cooperation in the Context of the China-EU Innovation Partnership: (Ruixia Jia)
  • The New Developments in China-European Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation: (Min Zhang)
  • China-EU Cooperation in a Period of Fundamental International Changes: Review of the Past and Suggestions for the Future: (Gerhard Stahl)
  • Series index


About the author

Mario TELÒ is J. Monnet Chair and Professor of International Relations at LUISS University (Rome) and Université Libre de Bruxelles, and was a Visiting Professor at CFAU, Renmin, Tsingua, Fudan and IEEM-Macau. Emeritus President of the IEE-ULB, he is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels. He is co-editor of Deepening EU-China Partnership (2018).

Yuan FENG holds a PhD in Political Science from LUISS University (Rome) and Université Libre de Bruxelles and is a research collaborator at the IEE-ULB. She is author of China and Multilateralism: From Estrangement to Competition (2020).

About the book

“A truly collaborative project combining stimulating contributions from China and Europe that collectively provide very useful and innovative knowledge for all those interested in analyzing an ever more complex and important relationship”

—Professor Shaun Breslin, University of Warwick

This book is the outcome of a multi-annual study of Chinese and European research institutions that addresses the relationship between the EU and China and its political and economic implications.

The book’s distinct focus is to situate this multipurpose relationship within the context of the multidisciplinary academic debate about China’s interregional relations with specific regions (i.e. Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East), notably the Belt and Road initiative (BRI).

Both the economic and political dimensions of the international rise of China are critically analysed, with special attention to opportunities, risks, challenges and controversial issues. The international set of authors uniquely combines academics as well as experts and think tank leaders.

The collection includes contributions by Mario Telò, Sun Jisheng, Lin Hongyu, Zhao Jiakun, Wei Ling, Uwe Wissenbach, Feng Yuan, Jean-François Di Meglio, Shi Shiwei, Jürgen Rüland, Fabricio Rodríguez, Sebastian Santander, Wang Jin, Guy Burton, Geoffrey Harris, Jia Ruixia, Zhang Min and Gerald Stahl.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

Table of Contents

List of Contributors

List of Abbreviations

List of Figures

List of Tables

Mario Telò and Yuan Feng


Part One: Theorizing Regionalism, Interregionalism and International Relation

Mario Telò

Comparative Regionalism/Interregionalism and International Relations Theory

Jisheng Sun

Observing the Belt and Road Initiative from the Perspective of Regional and Interregional Cooperation: A Theoretical Perspective

Jiakun Zhao and Hongyu Lin

Regionality and Multilayered Diplomacy

Part Two:China as a Regional and Global Power: The Political and Economic Dimensions

Ling Wei

Developmental Regionalism and the Belt and Road Initiative

Uwe Wissenbach

North-East Asia’s Conflicted Regionness

Yuan Feng

Comparative Analysis of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Jean-François Di Meglio

The China Model and the Specific Case of China within the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’

Shiwei Shi

BRI and China’s Opening Up Policy: Opportunities and Challenges – from the Perspective of the Global Value Chain

Part Three:China Interregional Relations: The Cases of Latin America, Middle East

Jürgen Rüland and Fabricio Rodríguez

Interregionalism, Global Governance and China’s Relations with Latin America: A Theory-Guided Analysis

Sebastian Santander

The Atlantic Triangle in the Era of China’s Rising Power in Latin America

Jin Wang

China’s Interregional Ties with the Middle East: Concerns, Interests and Challenges

Guy Burton

China and Regionalism in the Middle East

Part Four:The China-EU Multidimensional Interregional Partnership in the Context of the Changing Economic and Political Order

Geoffrey Harris

The Unstable Triangular Relationship between China, EU, and the USA

Ruixia Jia

The ‘16+1’ Cooperation in the Context of the China-EU Innovation Partnership

Min Zhang

The New Developments in China-European Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation

Gerhard Stahl

China-EU Cooperation in a Period of Fundamental International Changes: Review of the Past and Suggestions for the Future

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List of Contributors

Guy Burton is a visiting fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre and (as of January 2019) an adjunct professor of international relations at Vesalius College in Brussels. Previously, he was an assistant professor at the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (2016–2018). Before that, he was an assistant professor at the School of Politics, History and International Relations at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (2013–2016); a lecturer at the University of Kurdistan-Hewler in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2012–2013); and a research fellow (2010–2012) and acting director (2011–2012) at the Center for Development Studies at Birzeit University in occupied Palestine. Dr. Burton’s research interests are wide ranging. He covers comparative politics, international relations, the politics of development and public policy and has regional specialism in the Middle East and Latin American areas. He is the author, most recently, of Rising Powers and the Arab–Israeli Conflict since 1947 (Lexington Books, 2018). His publications also include co-authorship and authorship of Presidential Leadership in the Americas since Independence (Lexington Books, 2016) and Policy-Making and Education Reform in the Development of Latin American Social Democracy (Edwin Mellen, 2011), respectively. His work has also been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Third World Quarterly, Conflict Security & Development, Middle East Critique, International Review of Education and Latin American Perspectives. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics in 2009.

Jean François Di Meglio is the president of the Asia Centre, Paris. An alumnus of the École normale supérieure and Beijing University, Jean-François Di Meglio has spent 20 years of investment banking in connection with, or posted in, Asia-Pacific region. From 2005 to 2008, he led BNP Paribas’ energy and raw materials division in China. He joined the Asia Centre in 2008, and became its president in 2009. He takes part on a regular basis in high-level EU-China debate about strategic and business cooperation.

Yuan Feng obtained her PhD in political and social sciences from the Université libre de Bruxelles, and PhD in political theory from Luis Guido Carli. She is currently associated researcher at the Institut des études européennes of ULB. Her research interests include multilateralism, institutionalism, EU-China relations and China’s foreign policy. Her PhD thesis on past, present and future of China’s regional and global multilateralism is forthcoming by Routledge.

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Geoffrey Harris is a former official of the European Parliament (1976–2016). He is also a former visiting scholar at Fudan Development Institute, Shanghai, 2017, and a visiting professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou. He is the author of numerous essays and articles on EU-China relations and global order and takes part on a regular basis in EU-China strategic debate.

Hongyu Lin is the dean of the College of International Relations at Huaqiao University. He is also a standing councillor of China Association of International Studies (CAIS), senior fellow of China Pacific Studies Academy and one of the distinguished scholars of Peking social science theory studies. Prof. Lin earned his PhD from Peking University and once was a visiting scholar at Hoover Institution at Stanford University and director of the Department of International Politics at the China University of International Relations. He specialized in the studies of Sino-US relations, IPE, big powers’ gaming and international security and has published several books including Political Analysis of American Presidential Elections (2017), General Studies of BRICS (2016), Rise of China and World Governance (2014), Rise of China and International System (2013), Review of China National Security in 2012 and Methodology of International Studies (2006).

P. Rodrigues, Assistant Professor, has a PhD in international politics from the University of Freiburg, Germany. His scientific interests focus on south-south and China-Brazil interregional relations, notably in the fields of environment and energy policies. After a bachelors in Pearson College, UWC and Trent University, Canada, he studied at the Freiburg University (Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute). His publications deal with development policy in Guatemala and China’s relations with South America.

Jürgen Rüland (1953) studied political science, history and German literature at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He earned a PhD in political science from the University of Freiburg in 1981 and his habilitation degree at the same university in 1989. From 1978 to 1991 he worked as a research fellow at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute, Freiburg. He was a professor pro tempore of political science at the University Passau (1991–1993) and professor of political science at the University of Rostock (1993–1998). From 1998 to 2019 Rüland was full time professor of international relations at the University of Freiburg. From 2000 to 2002 he served as a dean of the Faculty of Humanities IV. Since November 2009 Prof. Rüland has been the chairperson of the Freiburg University’s Southeast Asia Program, which is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). His numerous books on regional cooperation and interregional relations are considered as reference by the international epistemic community.

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Ruixia Jia (1971) holds a PhD in law from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She has been a researcher of Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences since 1999. Her researches mainly focus on central and eastern European countries. Jia Ruixia is an associate research fellow, EU Science and Technology Policy Division Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She is currently a researcher at the Institute of European Studies,

Sebastian Santander is a full time professor, head of the Political Science Department and in-charge of the Center for International Relations Studies (CEFIR) of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology at the University of Liège (ULg). He is also an associate member of the Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and of the Institute of European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He received a PhD from the ULB where he worked nine years as a lecturer and did a one-year post-doc at the Faculty of Art and Social Science of the University of Maastricht. He has been a visiting scholar at the College of Europe (European Interdisciplinary Studies Department, Natolin Campus) and in many other universities (Brasilia, Brussels, Hangzhou, Le Havre, Leuven, Lubumbashi, Lima, Maastricht, Rouen, etc.). He publishes on the topics of regionalism, interregionalism, emerging and established powers, and about the external relations of the European Union and Latin America. His articles have appeared in: European Foreign Affairs Review, Foreign Affairs Latinoamerica, Journal of European Integration, Relations internationals, Études internationales, Politique européenne, Relazioni Internazionali, and Cuadernos sobre relaciones internacionales, regionalismo y desarrollo (Venezuela). Recent books include: (ed.) Concurrences régionales dans un monde multipolaire émergent, (Brussels, Peter Lang, 2016, 358 p.); (ed.) L’Afrique, terrain de jeu des émergents (Paris, Karthala, 2014, 319 p.); (ed.) Puissances émergentes: un défi pour l’Europe? (Paris, Ellipses, 2012, 384 p.) and (ed.) Relations internationales et régionalisme. Entre dynamiques internes et projections mondiales (Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège, 2012, 381 p.).


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (July)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 374 pp., 16 fig. b/w, 25 tables.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Mario Telo (Volume editor) Yuan Feng (Volume editor)

Mario TELÒ is J. Monnet Chair and Professor of International Relations at LUISS University (Rome) and Université Libre de Bruxelles, and was a Visiting Professor at CFAU, Renmin, Tsingua, Fudan and IEEM-Macau. Emeritus President of the IEE-ULB, he is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels. He is co-editor of Deepening EU-China Partnership (2018). Yuan FENG holds a PhD in Political Science from LUISS University (Rome) and Université Libre de Bruxelles and is a research collaborator at the IEE-ULB. She is author of China and Multilateralism: From Estrangement to Competition (2020).


Title: China and the EU in the Era of Regional and Interregional Cooperation