
Of Silenced and Unheard Voices from the South

Argentinean Subalternity According to Luisa Valenzuela

by Ana Duffy (Author)
©2020 Monographs XII, 208 Pages


Luisa Valenzuela’s oeuvre is marked by a fixation with marginal characters, those often rendered invisible by society and outside hegemony: the subaltern. Valenzuela’s El Mañana captures echoes of the past, aggravated in a globalized world, takes them apart and reassembles them, to then project them into the future. With a clearly dystopian intention, Valenzuela’s novel reveals how instances of subjugation under despotism may be re-enacted by following a pattern of forgetting and repeating.
This book examines the novel’s main fictional characters, who propel the reader to an Argentinean distant and recent past, present and future, challenging and dismantling their founding beliefs, and finally reformulating them from below. The novel is shown to present a decolonial version of the dystopian genre in which a new configuration of power projects the perils of gender, class and patriarchal oppression onto the future, along the lines of coloniality. Ultimately, by addressing themes relevant to the fields of literary fiction, criticism and theory as well as decolonial and postcolonial studies, this book maps out the development of subalternity by performing a situated reading of a major work of Argentinean literature.

Table Of Contents


Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Duffy, Ana, 1968- author.

Title: Of silenced and unheard voices from the South : Argentinean subalternity according to Luisa Valenzuela / Ana Duffy.

Description: Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, [2020] | Series: Hispanic studies : culture and ideas, 1661-4720 ; volume 80 | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2020004906 | ISBN 9781789972528 (paperback) | ISBN 9781789972535 (ebook) | ISBN 9781789972542 (epub) | ISBN 9781789972559 (mobi)

Subjects: LCSH: Valenzuela, Luisa, 1938- Mañana. | Literature and society—Argentina—Histor—20th century. | Marginality, Social, in literature.

Cover image: Ripples by Tomás Ruiz (2020). Reproduced with permission.

ISSN 1661-4720

© Peter Lang AG 2020

Published by Peter Lang Ltd, International Academic Publishers,

Ana Duffy has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act,

All rights reserved.

This publication has been peer reviewed.

About the author

Ana Duffy holds a PhD in Latin American Literature from the University of Queensland, Australia. She has worked in various Australian universities as a lecturer and tutor in the fields of Latin American studies and literature, Spanish and, being a writer herself, in creative writing and literary studies. As a researcher, she has focused on Luisa Valenzuela, marginality and, more recently, on the practice of creative writing in a foreign country and through a borrowed language.

About the book

Luisa Valenzuela’s oeuvre is marked by a fixation with marginal characters, those often rendered invisible by society and outside hegemony: the subaltern. Valenzuela’s El Mañana captures echoes of the past, aggravated in a globalized world, takes them apart and reassembles them, to then project them into the future. With a clearly dystopian intention, Valenzuela’s novel reveals how instances of subjugation under despotism may be re-enacted by following a pattern of forgetting and repeating.

This book examines the novel’s main fictional characters, who propel the reader to an Argentinean distant and recent past, present and future, challenging and dismantling their founding beliefs, and finally reformulating them from below. The novel is shown to present a decolonial version of the dystopian genre in which a new configuration of power projects the perils of gender, class and patriarchal oppression onto the future, along the lines of coloniality. Ultimately, by addressing themes relevant to the fields of literary fiction, criticism and theory as well as decolonial and postcolonial studies, this book maps out the development of subalternity by performing a situated reading of a major work of Argentinean literature.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

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luisa valenzuela

Foreword: Unas palabras

Como las líneas de canto, las song lines de los aborígenes de Australia, su país de adopción, Ana Duffy ha sabido trazar líneas conductoras a lo largo de mi obra literaria. Líneas que sagazmente trazan su paisaje interior.

Pertenezco a la extraña raza de escritores que trabajan sin un plan preconcebido, sin el menor atisbo de hacia dónde nos conducirá el texto que hemos comenzado, porque al escribir novela o cuento no se puede admitir trampa alguna, nada de hacer especulaciones lógicas o de encontrar atajos. Al respeto me alegró leer que mi admirado Michael Ondaadje se refirió en una entrevista reciente a “la excitación del descubrimiento, a la sorpresa de ir descubriendo qué le sucede a los personajes en el camino”.


XII, 208
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (July)
Argentinean subalternity Luisa Valenzuela Marginality
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 2020. XII, 208 pp.

Biographical notes

Ana Duffy (Author)

Ana Duffy holds a PhD in Latin American Literature from the University of Queensland, Australia. She has worked in various Australian universities as a lecturer and tutor in the fields of Latin American studies and literature, Spanish and, being a writer herself, in creative writing and literary studies. As a researcher, she has focused on Luisa Valenzuela, marginality and, more recently, on the practice of creative writing in a foreign country and through a borrowed language.


Title: Of Silenced and Unheard Voices from the South