
Public Relations In The Networked Publics

by Bayram Oğuz Aydin (Volume editor) Salih Gürbüz (Volume editor) Özlem Dugan (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 284 Pages


In terms of both public relations and advertising, organizations that use the opportunities of digital media might differentiate from others. This differentiation can provide advantages for organizations. However, there may be threats as well as the opportunities of the digital media. In this regard, it is tried to investigate how organizations benefit from digital media on the researches presented in this book.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Introduction
  • Social Media Interaction and Digital Public Relations: The Example of Turkish Green Crescent Society
  • Data Storytelling and Digital Visualization
  • A Current and Capitalist Consumption Myth: Black Friday
  • Unexpected Events in Health Institutions and Digital Public Relations
  • Examining E-Complaints against Airline Companies in Terms of Public Relations
  • The Use of New Media for Digital Public Relations: The Case of Konya Universities
  • The Use of Digital Storytelling as a Public Relations Tool for Corporate Reputation: The Sample of Tat Gida Farmer Stories
  • Independent and Nonverbal Postmodern Relationship Forms in the Network Age
  • Organizations’ use of Social Media from the Perspective of Dialogical Communication and Marketing-Oriented Public Relations
  • How Twitter Was Used during the 2018 Presidential Election by the Candidates in Turkey Image Creation in the Context of Dramaturgy Theory1
  • Social Media Presence of Banks in Terms of Public Relations: The Example of Ziraat Bank, Iş Bank, and Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Authors

List of Contributors

Ercan Aktan

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Aksaray University, Faculty of Communication, ercanaktan@aksaray.edu.tr

B. Oğuz Aydın

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Gaziantep University, Faculty of Communication, Gaziantep, Turkey, boguzaydin@gantep.edu.tr

Duygu Aydın

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Selcuk University, Faculty of Communication, duyguaydin@selcuk.edu.tr

Yasin Bulduklu

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Media And Communication

Mehmet Safa Çam

Asst. Prof. Dr., Lecturer, Aksaray University, Social Sciences Vocational School, msafacam@aksaray.edu.tr

Özlem Duğan

Assist.Prof. Dr., Uşak University, Faculty of Communication, Uşak, Turkey, ozlem.dugan@usak.edu.tr

Mustafa Güngör

Lecturer, Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Konya, Turkey, mgungor@erbakan.edu.tr

Salih Gürbüz

Asst. Prof. Dr., Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Konya, Turkey, sgurbuz@erbakan.edu.tr

Aydın Karabulut

Asst. Prof. Dr., Gaziantep University, Faculty of Communication, Gaziantep, Turkey, a.karabulut@windowslive.com

Deniz Özer

Asst. Prof. Dr., Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Communication, Samsun-Türkiye, deniz.ozer@omu.edu.tr

Şakire Özkan

Master Student, Gümüşhane University, Faculty of Communication, Gümüşhane Turkey, sakiraozkan@gmail.com

Ahmet Tarhan

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Selçuk University, Faculty of Communication, Konya, Turkey, tarhan@selcuk.edu.tr

Birgül Taşdelen

Asst. Prof. Dr., Gümüşhane University, Faculty of Communication, Gümüşhane, Turkey, birgultasdelen@gmail.com

Ceren Yegen

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Mersin University, Faculty of Communication, Mersin, Turkey, cerenyegen@mersin.edu.tr

Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kalender, Faculty of Communication, Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Başak Solmaz, Faculty of Communication, Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Akdağ, Faculty of Communication, Erciyes University

Prof. Dr. Ömer Bakan, Faculty of Communication, Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. M. Emre Köksalan, Faculty of Communication, Gaziantep University


Digital media has been a powerful driving force for the structural, relational, spatial and dimensional transformation of public. Therefore, the communication ways of the organizations with their public have been transformed and changed. As a result, organizations have started to use digital media tools as mean of communication in their relations with the public. Thus, organizations have also shaped this communication environment. In this changing environment, corporations can benefit from digital media with a wide variety of content in order to compete with each other. In terms of both public relations and advertising, organizations that use the opportunities of digital media might differentiate from others.

This differentiation can provide advantages for organizations. However, there may be threats as well as opportunities of the digital media. In this regard, it is tried to investigate how organizations benefit from digital media based on the researches presented in this book. This book aims to understand how public relations and advertising activities are carried out by organizations with various organizational characteristics.

This book consists of eleven chapters. Each chapter has been checked by the editors and evaluated by the scientific Advisory Board.

If we consider a general evaluation of the chapters in the book:

The study conducted by Ercan AKTAN titled “Social Media Interaction And Digital Public Relations: The Example of Turkish Green Crescent Society” is carried out in order to examine the social media public relations efforts of the Turkish Green Crescent Society, which is a non-profit, non-governmental organization for combating addiction. The purpose of this study is to determine the target audience interactions of Green Crescent’s public relations efforts through a descriptive approach. For this purpose, the researcher tried to analyze the social media posts about “Astronaut at Bus Stop” campaign carried out by Green Crescent in connection with “World Smoking Cessation Day on February 9th”. In this respect, the follower comments on “Astronaut at Bus Stop” public relations campaign via the official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts of Turkish Green Crescent Society were analyzed in this study. Findings of the research conducted with descriptive analysis method were compiled and analyzed in accordance with predetermined categories of “Arousing curiosity”, “Supportive content” and “Critical content”.

In the study conducted by Duygu Aydın and M. Safa Çam titled “Data Storytelling and Digital Visualization”, the importance of data storytelling was tried to be revealed. The competitive nature of modern marketing urges businesses to take vigorous actions within a data-based approach. In such a market environment, communicating emotionally with consumers has become insufficient. Instead, companies are seeking ways to turn real data and information into value through emotional links that would attract consumers. In this context, data storytelling offers businesses a storytelling model with substantial communicative value. In the digital age, brands give priority to share a visual story rather than providing raw statistical data to stakeholders in their communication efforts conducted both online and in traditional media. Thus, enterprises acting with a value-based approach have been in search of establishing emotional bonds in the light of causal data with their target groups. Companies working within this point of view have been in search of creating emotional relationships with their target groups through the causal data. This study discusses the concept of data storytelling as a practical and inspiring communication approach for the marketing discipline and exemplifies it with various efforts by our national brands. In this context, the study will likely be inspiring the profit-oriented businesses as well as public and non-governmental organizations to increase the communication value of data they already have.

In the study conducted by B. Oğuz Aydin and Ceren Yegen, titled “A Current and Capitalist Consumption Myth: Black Friday”, the role of media in consumption, capitalism and consumption processes was discussed. In the research part of the study, the Black Friday Network on Twitter, a popular social network today, was investigated through the social network analysis method. Thus, obtained through the data, it was aimed at developing a current perspective towards the new media-based/assisted capitalist consumption phenomenon.

The study, conducted by Yasin Bulduklu titled “Unexpected Events in Health Institutions and Digital Public Relations”, aimed to reveal the importance of public digital communication which is vital in delivering healthcare in the potential negative circumstances. In this context, communication and especially public digital communication, which are likely to bring the institutions into a difficult situation, are the subject of this section. In this context, communication and especially public digital communication, which are vital in delivering health care in the potential negative circumstances, is the subject of this section. This section contains information about the digital management of communication in some undesirable and sudden occurrences that can lead institutions to an undesirable situation, information about the effective management of communication through digital platforms in the cases of crisis.

In the study conducted by Özlem Duğan titled “Examining E-Complaints against Airline Companies in Terms of Public Relations”, particularly the complaints were investigated that were made on the “sikayetvar” website, a complaint platform. The study is comprised of strategic issue management, issue management concerning public relations and the implementation parts. In this study, the complaints about four airline companies were investigated. The names of the airline companies were not mentioned; instead, they were coded as company-1, company-2, company-3 and company-4. The data obtained from the mentioned website were analyzed through the content analysis method. The obtained analysis results were evaluated in the findings section.

In the study conducted by Mustafa Güngör titled “The Use of New Media for Digital Public Relations: The Case of Konya Universities”, a content analysis of the social media accounts of the universities in Konya was carried out, and it was attempted to find out which social media tools are essentially preferred by the universities in the relations with their public. On the other hand, it was attempted to understand which social media platform is used more effectively by those following the social media accounts of the universities. Furthermore, within the scope of the study, it was examined under the title of which public relations models of Grunig and Hunt (1984) the social media accounts of universities fall and it was attempted to find out how much importance the universities attach to the two-way communication, the main purpose of public relations in communication.

In the study conducted by Salih Gürbüz titled “The Use of Digital Storytelling as a Public Relations Tool for Corporate Reputation: The Sample of Tat Gıda Farmer Stories”, it was studied how storytelling in public relations literature can be practiced in digital environment. This study samples a work of eight videos named “Tat Farmer Stories” released on the corporate website of Tat Gıda corporation, which is prominent to be aiming primarily the female consumers but has a Turkey-wide recognition at the national level. The researcher conducted his study in three analysis steps. In the analysis of these digital stories, together with the research questions prepared by the researcher mentioned in the method section, five questions used in the narrative theory during persuasion activity and to analyze these persuasion activities are utilized to examine the use of the stories for public relations purposes. The answers to these questions were addressed through qualitative content analysis. In addition, assessments regarding the corporation’s reputation are done considering Davies and Chun’s 7-dimensional Corporate Character Scale, which is used for reputation measurement. According to the results of the study, digital storytelling can contribute to the reputations of corporations that permanently need to be kept alive.

In the study conducted by Aydın Karabulut titled “Independent and Nonverbal Postmodern Relationship Forms in the Network Age”, the researcher stated that all the great narratives have been shaken in the late modern age and, thanks to the techno-science, the world has been transformed into a new and fast cycle. The network phenomenon has changed the daily life according to its own rules by qualifying all the fields. The daily life has been divided into different fragments such as online and offline. The fragmentation has been primarily formed by the erosion of the values. While the erosion in values has been manifested in the daily life, especially cross-over encounters, loveless relationships and the use values of the people have become norm. This new life also marks a new ontology in which the indicators are extensively consumed, and the cyclical time is rapidly elapsed. In this study, the relation forms changed have been discussed from different perspectives specific to “fi” series. In the analysis of the series, Semiography and discourse analysis have been used.

In the study conducted by Deniz Özer titled “Organizations’ Use of Social Media from the Perspective of Dialogical Communicatıon and Marketing-Oriented Public Relations”, the researcher aimed to reveal the extent of use of social media and its efficiency in dialogical communication, and marketing-oriented public relations efforts emerged from the communication forms of organizations as a result of the technology-based change. Özer, in her study selected Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts of an organization as the sample of the study and aimed to examine areas concerning marketing-oriented public relations application fields through the principles and properties of dialogical communication by means of content analysis method, and a holistic result was aimed to be achieved. In this study, the public relations, marketing and advertising activities of the organizations in the digital media and their target audiences were discussed together with their continuing efforts to perform communication cycles on this platform; thus, results were obtained concerning the marketing-oriented public relations efforts.

The conceptual framework of the study, which was conducted by Şakire Özkan and Birgül Taşdelen titled “How Twitter Was Used during the 2018 Presidential Election by the Candidates in Turkey Image Creation in the Context of Dramaturgy Theory”, is the concept of Gofmann’s dramaturgy. The purpose of the study in the 2018 presidential election process in Turkey is to measure how they create an image by self-presentation of the candidates on Twitter. For this purpose, the candidates’ tweets on Twitter during the selection process are examined and evaluated as a result of content analysis findings which are qualitative research techniques.

The developments in newer communication technologies provided many opportunities to businesses in recent years; one of these opportunities is the use of social media applications. Today, like many organizations, banks use social media to communicate with their public. Ahmet Tarhan’s study titled “Social Media Presence of Banks in Terms of Public Relations: The Example of Ziraat Bank, İş Bank, and Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank” focuses on Twitter utilization levels of a public, a private and a participation bank, using a sample of data obtained between January 1, 2019 and March 31, 2019. In this research study, which used the content analysis method, it was questioned how the banks used their Twitter accounts in informing their customers, developing responses to their demands, expectations, suggestions, questions and problems, and involving them in their decision-making processes. Through the analysis, it was aimed to determine whether the banks sufficiently benefited from the two-way communication ability that is provided by the Twitter.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (May)
Public Relations Networked Publics Digital Public Relations Public Relations on Social Media
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 284 pp., 25 fig. b/w, 42 tables.

Biographical notes

Bayram Oğuz Aydin (Volume editor) Salih Gürbüz (Volume editor) Özlem Dugan (Volume editor)

Bayram Oğuz AYDIN is Associate Professor at the University of Gaziantep. His areas of interest include online communities, network analysis, public relations education, online reputation management and crisis management. Salih GÜRBÜZ is Assistant Professor at the University of Necmettin Erbakan. His areas of interest include new media, impression management and corporate image, political communication, social integration of immigrants and semiology. Özlem DUĞAN is Associate Professor at the University of Uşak. Her areas of interest include crisis communication, public relations education, public relations writing and health communication.


Title: Public Relations In The Networked Publics