
What’s happening in cyber space?

An interdisciplinary approach

by Necla Keles (Volume editor) Ahu Ergen (Volume editor)
©2020 Edited Collection 130 Pages


The term “cyberspace” that entered into our lives towards the end of the 20th century is
defined as: “a global platform that consists of the network containing the infrastructures
of information technologies with Internet, communication networks, computer systems,
embedded processors and controllers”. When this term is analysed, it is seen that
nearly all informatics systems minimize the human control and at many platforms,
they are connected to each other. Although the term “cyberspace” is very new, it is like
a living organism that is coordinated with scientific disciplines such as finance, defence,
health, education, transportation and security, in all manned and unmanned areas. Our
interaction with this organism covers almost all our lifespan. When looked closer, it is
seen that cyberspace must be researched not only from technology side but also from
sociology and psychology sides. So, welcome to the cyberspace journey that we prepared
for you in our book What’s Happening in Cyberspace?

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. New Skills and Talents for the Cyber World
  • 2. Supply Chain and Logistics Management in Cyberspace
  • 3. Smart Retailing in Cyberspace
  • 4. Cyberspace Impacts on Maritime Sector
  • 5. Cyberspace and Chaos: A Conceptual Approach to Cyber Terrorism
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables


The term “cyberspace” that entered into our lives towards the end of the 20th century is defined as: “a global platform that consists of the network containing the infrastructures of information technologies with Internet, communication networks, computer systems, embedded processors and controllers”. When this term is analysed, it is seen that nearly all informatics systems minimize the human control and at many platforms, they are connected to each other. Although the term “cyberspace” is very new, it is like a living organism that is coordinated with scientific disciplines such as finance, defence, health, education, transportation and security, in all manned and unmanned areas.

Our interaction with this organism covers almost all our lifespan. When looked closer, it is seen that cyberspace must be researched not only from technology side but also from sociology and psychology sides.

The improvements in robotics and artificial intelligence increase the concern of high unemployment rates in the close future. However, many scientists state that these improvements may create new opportunities and employment types. Shortly, it is stated that today, where the jobs are converted into cooperations between man and machine, the only thing remains is to find ways to adapt cyberspace. These opinions are the subject of Chapter 1.

Technological improvements support business world and the digital transformation makes the business processes faster and more transparent. Especially, when supply chain and logistics management processes are considered, complex business processes get easier with cyber networks. This makes real-time data sharing, faster business processes, customer-focused working and low costs, possible. With all these facts, it is also important to provide security of the supply chains and logistics processes. All these related topics are covered in Chapter 2.

In dynamic competition, the use of cyberspace in retailing causes a vital transformation in the sector. Many modern retailers are using smart technologies in their retail stages to enhance consumer experience. Wearable technologies, mobile Internet, cloud and big data, IoT are among the most ←7 | 8→popular smart technologies in retailing. Chapter 3 covers these new trends both from retailer and consumer perspective with current technological innovations.

Maritime industry is keeping its important position in today’s global economy. Especially in the digital transformation process of Industry 4.0, maritimes industry with infrastructures, ports, ships and companies that are managing the ships, is using all the opportunities of cyberspace. So, maritime industry is facing both high physical and cyber risks. Being unable to manage these risks and not increasing the cyber security awareness of human in this sector, may cause serious loss in the sector. What must be done to minimize these risks is the topic of Chapter 4.

Terrorism definition is a phenomenon for which the countries and international society cannot have a consensus. When terrorism’s target is considered, it is agreed that a societal chaos is created to threat human life and lifestyle. Starting with the 21st century, the use of cyber technologies by terrorists for publicity, communication and terror activities caused to name the term “cyber terrorism”. For the society to live in peace and security, the individuals who use cyberspace must be aware and the security forces must keep their strategies always up to date. Readers who would like to increase awareness with scientific approach may benefit from the Chapter 5.

So, welcome to the cyberspace journey that we prepared for you in our book What’s Happening in Cyberspace?

Hatice Necla Keleş

1.   New Skills and Talents for the Cyber World

Abstract: There are many uncertainties about the future of works in the cyber world and how developing technologies will be. Technological advances especially in robotics and artificial intelligence fields will lead to great unemployment. Such opinions are increasing gradually. However, technological advances can create new opportunities and forms of employment. It will be not only to destroy all the occupations of robots and technology but also to take over many tasks in the professions. In this case, the focus is on looking for ways to keep up with the reshaped cyber world where professions turn into partnerships between man and machine and to acquire new skills.


ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2020 (March)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 130 pp., 33 fig. b/w, 7 tables.

Biographical notes

Necla Keles (Volume editor) Ahu Ergen (Volume editor)

Hatice Necla Keleş is an Associate Professor at Bahçeşehir University Educational Science Faculty. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of Business Administration in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Selçuk University. She completed her Master’s Degree and Ph.D. at Selcuk University, Institute of Social Sciences. Among her research interests are organizational behavior, human resource management and career planning. She is the Director of Innovative Educational Development and Research Center. Ahu Ergen is an Associate Professor at Bahçeşehir University. She studied Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) at Marmara University. After graduation, she worked as marketing expert in automotive sector at a multinational company. She holds her PhD. in marketing from Marmara University and joined Bahcesehir University in 2009. She teaches several courses on marketing at undergraduate and graduate levels. Among her research interests are sustainable marketing, consumer behavior, competitive strategies and marketing management. She has book chapters, articles and conference papers published in these fields. She also writes articles about various brand management and marketing topics for the monthly brand magazines.


Title: What’s happening in cyber space?