Emerging Trends in Business
An Interdisciplinary Approach
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- About the editors
- About the book
- Contents
- Innovative Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
- Non-Performing Loans in Banking and Ratios Used in Their Calculations
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Cause-Related Marketing
- Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth, and Development
- Mobbing: The Dark Side of Business
- Digital Marketing
- Gratitude as an Emerging Emotion in the Organizational Behavior Area
- About the Editors and Contributors
Halim Kazan / Mehmet Baykal (eds.)
Emerging Trends in Business
An Interdisciplinary Approach
Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche
Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Kazan, Halim, editor. | Baykal, Mehmet, 1970- editor.
Title: Emerging trends in business : an interdisciplinary approach / Halim Kazan, Mehmet Baykal (eds.).
Description: Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, [2017]
Identifiers: LCCN 2017061496 | ISBN 9783631744697
Subjects: LCSH: Management. | Technological innovations. | Industries.
Classification: LCC HD31 .E574 2017 | DDC 658--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017061496
Cover-Illustration © Mehmet Baykal
ISBN 978-3-631-74469-7 (Print)
E-ISBN 978-3-631-74470-3 (E-PDF)
E-ISBN 978-3-631-74471-0 (EPUB)
E-ISBN 978-3-631-74472-7 (MOBI)
DOI 10.3726/b13224
© Peter Lang GmbH
Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Frankfurt am Main 2017
All rights reserved.
Peter Lang – Frankfurt am Main ∙ Bern ∙ Bruxelles ∙ New York ∙ Oxford ∙ Warszawa ∙ Wien
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This publication has been peer reviewed.
About the editors
The Editors
Halim Kazan is full professor in the area of production management and quantitative analysis. His academic research interest is in quantitative analysis focusing on production management.
Mehmet Baykal studied in the Department of Business at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Ankara Gazi University. He holds a Ph.D. in business and has business and consulting experience. His research interests include technologyintegrated marketing, e-business development and online marketing.
About the book
Emerging Trends in Business
This book presents a collection of interdisciplinary chapters covering the most informative issues in various fields of both theoretical and applied business. The contributors focus on up-to-date developments in business areas such as innovation, entrepreneurship, banking and digital marketing.←4 | 5→
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
Non-Performing Loans in Banking and Ratios Used in Their Calculations
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth, and Development
Mobbing: The Dark Side of Business
Gratitude as an Emerging Emotion in the Organizational Behavior Area
About the Editors and Contributors ←5 | 6→←6 | 7→
Ebru Dogan
In today’s business world, entrepreneurship is one of the emerging research areas. It is also one of the most important drivers of the changing social and economic life. The power of entrepreneurs to accelerate the spread of wealth to all segments of the society is the capacity to innovate.
The concept of entrepreneur became even more important with the dynamic entrepreneur concept of Joseph A. Schumpeter and entrepreneurship was generally shaped around the concept of innovation. Economies have become more productive, innovative and competitive, thanks to the dynamic entrepreneurs who ensure the transition to information society.
Nowadays, the conditions of competition faced by businesses both in the domestic and international markets get fierce and rapid changes are experienced. In this way, innovative entrepreneurship has been addressed in this study due to the increasing importance of synergy between entrepreneurship and innovation.
2The concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation
The word “entrepreneurship” has been derived from the French word “entreprendre”, which means to undertake. The entrepreneur is a person who undertakes to organize, manage and assume the risks of a business. In recent years, entrepreneurs have done many things that require extending this definition. Today, an entrepreneur is an innovator and developer realizing and catching opportunities; changing these opportunities into practical/marketable ideas; adding value through time, effort, money or skills; undertaking the risk of competitive market in order to put these ideas in practice and realizing the rewards obtained from these efforts (Kuratko, 2017: 4).
First of all, entrepreneurship – being a mentality – refers to the motivation and capacity of a person to engage in relevant opportunities, independently or within an organization, with the purpose of identifying an opportunity and creating new value or achieving economic success. Entrepreneurship is concerned with individuals and their preference to set up, take over or operate a business or to participate in strategic decision-making mechanisms of a firm and the relevant activities. Entrepreneurs who take advantage of creativity or ←7 | 8→innovation in order to enter and compete in the market, change this market and create a new market are a heterogeneous group and come from all social strata (CEC, 2003: 5,6).
An entrepreneur is a vision holder who transforms even the most insignificant situations into very important opportunities (Gerber, 2008: 24). Successful entrepreneurs seem to be thinking differently from other people in many ways. For instance, they aren’t inclined to counterfactual thinking much; however, they are observed to be over-reliant on their judgments. Similarly, it is seen that the social skills of successful entrepreneurs are high. In other words, they can communicate effectively with other people. Their social perception is strong and they can easily adapt to new social conditions (Baron, 2000: 15). Therefore, success in this field is closely related to people’s having an enterprising spirit.
Generally accepted characteristics of an entrepreneurial personality are vision, high energy level, need to achieve, self-confidence and optimism, tolerance for failure, creativity, tolerance for ambiguity and internal locus of control (Boone and Kurtz, 2011: 194).
Entrepreneurship does not only represent a certain human skill, that is, a form of human capital, it also acts as a source of harmonization from imbalance to balance. It is located in the center of economic dynamics and therefore growth. However, the economic imbalance doesn’t originate solely from external shocks; it may also manifest itself internally as a result of the entrepreneurial activities of the units in the economy. Entrepreneurship has the function of researching the new and accordingly shaking the established balance and reacting to the imbalance when it arises (Piazza-Georgi, 2002: 463,465).
- Pages
- 174
- Publication Year
- 2017
- 9783631744703
- 9783631744710
- 9783631744727
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783631744697
- 10.3726/b13224
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2018 (December)
- Keywords
- Innovation Entrepreneurship Corporate Social Responsibility Banking Digital Marketing Organizational Behavior
- Published
- Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien. 2017. 174 pp., 6 fig. b/w, 11 tables
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG