
Linguistic, Linguo-stylistic and Narratological Aspects of Early Montenegrin Short Stories

by Sanja Crnogorac (Author)
©2018 Thesis 368 Pages
Series: Symbolae Slavicae, Volume 32


The book examines lingo-stylistic and narratological characteristics of Montenegrin short stories in the crucial period of 19th and early 20th century language reform. The seldom analysed works of fourteen authors from this period are approached from the orthographical, phonological, morphological, syntaxic, lexical and phraseological angles in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the interplay between the alternating linguistic standards. The principal intent is not only to accentuate the so-far neglected contribution of Montenegrin writers to South-Slavic linguistic heritage in general, but also to facilitate the understanding of the interaction between the folk dialectical base and the emerging linguistic and literary tendencies of the age.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • Ausschnitte aus dem Erstgutachten zur Promotion von Sanja Crnogorac zum Thema“Linguistic, Linguo-stylistic and Narratological Aspects of Early Montenegrin Short Stories”
  • Abstract
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Introduction
  • I Methodology
  • 1. Science, the concept
  • 2. Methodology: the term and the subject matter of the research
  • 3. Universal concepts of the language and writing style of Montenegrin narrators
  • 4. Theoretical and cognitive assumptions and the objectivity of scientific research
  • 5. General remarks on method
  • 6. The theory of method approaches adoption and their application
  • 7. Analytical method
  • 8. Synthetic method
  • 9. Inductive method
  • 10. Deductive method
  • 11. Generalization method
  • 12. Explanatory method
  • 13. Comparative method
  • 14. Descriptive method
  • 15. Structural method
  • 16. Distributive method
  • 17. Scientific laws and ethical rules
  • 18. Empirically based knowledge
  • 19. The objectivity and organization of a scientific thought
  • 20. Fact classification
  • 21. The relation between a scientific theory and a scientific method and the term ‘research technique’
  • 22. Final notes on methodology
  • II Biographical and bibliographical data
  • N. B.
  • 23. Basic features of the text corpus
  • Collecting material
  • III Typography and Orthography
  • 24. About Typography and Orthography
  • 25. Spelling the consonant clusters
  • 26. Word separation
  • 27. Capitalization
  • 28. Dates
  • 29. Numerals
  • 30. The apostrophe
  • 31. Spelling inconsistencies
  • IV Phonetics
  • Vowels
  • 32. The reflex of the old vowel Ѣ
  • 33. The vowel a
  • 34. The vowel i
  • 35. The vowel e
  • 36. The vowels о and u
  • 37. The syllabic r
  • 38. Assimilation, Fusion and Substitution of vowels
  • 39. Syncope
  • 40. Vowel shift
  • Consonants
  • 41. The consonant h
  • 42. The consonant f
  • 43. The consonant dž
  • 44. Consonants ć and đ
  • 45. The consonant ј
  • 46. Consonants lj and nj
  • 47. Consonant assimilation
  • 48. Dissimilation of consonants and consonant groups
  • 49. Consonant cluster reduction and simplification
  • 50. Epenthesis and substitution of consonants
  • 51. Forms of iotation
  • 52. Аnalogous shifts in the reflexes of old alternations
  • V Моrphology
  • 53. Nouns
  • 54. Vocative singular
  • 55. Instrumental singular
  • 56. Nominative and vocative plural
  • 57. Genitive plural of masculine and neuter nouns with specific suffixes
  • 58. Dative, Instrumental and Locative plural
  • 59. Accusative plural
  • 60. Masculine plural nouns with and without the infix –ov/ev-
  • 61. Feminine and masculine nouns that end in -a
  • 62. Feminine nouns that end in a consonant
  • 63. Notes on nouns
  • Pronouns and Adjectives
  • 64. Personal Pronouns
  • 65. Other Pronouns
  • Attributive Pronouns
  • 66. Possessive Pronouns
  • 67. Demonstrative Pronouns
  • 68. Indefinite Pronouns
  • 69. Negative Pronouns
  • 70. Universal Pronouns
  • 71. Concessive Pronouns
  • 72. Interrogative (relative) Pronouns
  • The declension of pronouns and adjectives
  • 74. Noun declension of Adjectives and Pronouns
  • 75. Notes on certain adjective and pronoun forms
  • 76. The morphology of adjectives
  • 77. Comparative and Superlative forms
  • Numerals
  • 78. Declension of numerals
  • 79. Ordinal numbers
  • 80. Collective numerals
  • 81. Multiplication expressions
  • Verbs
  • 82. Infinitive
  • 83. Present tense
  • 84. Imperative
  • 85. Imperfect
  • 86. Аorist
  • Verbal Adverbs
  • 87. The Present Verbal Adverb
  • 88. The Past Verbal Adverb
  • Verbal Adjectives
  • 89. Active past participle
  • 90. Тhe Passive Past Participle
  • Compound verb forms
  • 91. The Simple Future
  • 92. The exact future
  • 93. The perfect
  • 94. The Pluperfect
  • 95. The Conditional Mood
  • 96. Notes on formation of imperfective verbs
  • Immutable words
  • 97. Adverbs of manner
  • 98. Adverbs of quantity
  • 99. Adverbs of place
  • 100. Adverbs of time
  • 101. Adverbs of cause
  • 102. Prepositions
  • 103. Conjunctions
  • 104. Interjections
  • 105. Particles
  • 106. Notes on word formation
  • VI Syntax
  • 107. Word order
  • 108. Congruence
  • Independent cases
  • 109. Nominative
  • 110. Vocative
  • Dependent cases
  • 111. Genitive
  • 112. Dative
  • 113. Accusative
  • 114. Instrumental
  • 115. Locative
  • 116. Use of certain pronouns and adjectives
  • 117. Indefinite forms of adjectives
  • Use of verb forms
  • 118. Present
  • 119. Aorist
  • 120. Imperfect
  • 121. Perfect
  • 122. Pluperfect
  • 123. Future I
  • 124. Future II
  • Grammatical mood
  • 125. Imperative
  • 126. Conditional mood
  • Infinite verb forms
  • 127. Infinitive
  • 128. The present participle
  • 129. The past verbal adverb
  • 130. The active past participle
  • 131. The passive past participle
  • 132. The use of conjunctions
  • VII Stylistic Features of Language in Montenegrin Short Stories
  • 133. Graphostylistics
  • 134. Phonostylistics
  • 135. Morphostylistics (morphonostylistics)
  • 136. Stylistic syntax
  • 137. Strong positions in a text
  • 138. Lexis
  • 139. Enrichment of the lexical fund
  • 140. Textual stylistics
  • 141. Figurative language (syntactic figures of speech)
  • VIII Narratological Features of Montenegrin Short Stories
  • 142. Category of narrative prose as a literary genre
  • 143. In the focus of the narrator
  • 144. Motivistic and thematic structure of the short stories
  • 145. Redirecting the Montenegrin short story
  • 146. The outset of the Montenegrin short story
  • 147. Composition of narrative texts
  • 148. Spatiotemporal organization of the short stories
  • 149. Narrative situation
  • 150. Portrayal of characters
  • 151. Conceptual postulate of the short stories
  • 152. The course of events in the short stories and their world
  • 153. Parallelism and differences between Ljubiša and Njegoš in their short stories
  • 154. Continuity and innovations in selected short stories
  • Conclusion
  • List of Sources
  • Bibliography with Bibliographical Abbreviations
  • Appendices
  • Series Index

Sanja Crnogorac

Linguistic, Linguo-stylistic and
Narratological Aspects of Early
Montenegrin Short Stories

About the author

Sanja Crnogorac received a diploma in Serbo-Croatian Language and Yugoslav literature from the University of Montenegro, followed by an MSc in Linguistics from the same university, where she also worked. She earned a PhD in Slavistics at the University of Jena.

About the book

The book examines lingo-stylistic and narratological characteristics of Montenegrin short stories in the crucial period of 19th and early 20th century language reform. The seldom analysed works of fourteen authors from this period are approached from the orthographical, phonological, morphological, syntaxic, lexical and phraseological angles in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the interplay between the alternating linguistic standards. The principal intent is not only to accentuate the so-far neglected contribution of Montenegrin writers to South-Slavic linguistic heritage in general, but also to facilitate the understanding of the interaction between the folk dialectical base and the emerging linguistic and literary tendencies of the age.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.


The present book contains the text of my doctoral thesis, defended at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “Friedrich Schiller” in Jena at the Institute of Slavistics and Caucasus Studies, on 31st January 2018, in front of the Committee consisting of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thede Kahl, PD Dr. Vladislava Warditz and Prof. Dr. Stefan Strohschneider.

I am deeply thankful to my supervisor, professor Thede Kahl, for the immense support he has given me throughout my work on the doctoral thesis, as well as for his patient dedication to the themes which I dealt with in my dissertation. Without his unselfish help, it would not have been possible to complete this book.

I also owe gratitude to the publisher “Peter Lang” Publishing Group in Berlin, who helped the book see the light of day.

Sanja Crnogorac←5 | 6→ ←6 | 7→


Ausschnitte aus dem Erstgutachten zur Promotion von Sanja Crnogorac




I Methodology

1. Science, the concept

2. Methodology: the term and the subject matter of the research

3. Universal concepts of the language and writing style of Montenegrin narrators

4. Theoretical and cognitive assumptions and the objectivity of scientific research

5. General remarks on method

6. The theory of method approaches adoption and their application

7. Analytical method

8. Synthetic method

9. Inductive method

10. Deductive method

11. Generalization method

12. Explanatory method

13. Comparative method

14. Descriptive method←7 | 8→

15. Structural method

16. Distributive method

17. Scientific laws and ethical rules

18. Empirically based knowledge

19. The objectivity and organization of a scientific thought

20. Fact classification

21. The relation between a scientific theory and a scientific method and the term ‘research technique’

22. Final notes on methodology

II Biographical and bibliographical data

N. B.

23. Basic features of the text corpus

Collecting material

III Typography and Orthography

24. About Typography and Orthography

25. Spelling the consonant clusters

26. Word separation

27. Capitalization

28. Dates

29. Numerals

30. The apostrophe

31. Spelling inconsistencies

IV Phonetics


32. The reflex of the old vowel Ѣ

33. The vowel a←8 | 9→

34. The vowel i

35. The vowel e

36. The vowels о and u

37. The syllabic r

38. Assimilation, Fusion and Substitution of vowels

39. Syncope

40. Vowel shift


41. The consonant h

42. The consonant f

43. The consonant dž

44. Consonants ć and đ

45. The consonant ј

46. Consonants lj and nj

47. Consonant assimilation

48. Dissimilation of consonants and consonant groups

49. Consonant cluster reduction and simplification

50. Epenthesis and substitution of consonants

51. Forms of iotation

52. Аnalogous shifts in the reflexes of old alternations

V Моrphology

53. Nouns

54. Vocative singular

55. Instrumental singular

56. Nominative and vocative plural

57. Genitive plural of masculine and neuter nouns with specific suffixes←9 | 10→

58. Dative, Instrumental and Locative plural

59. Accusative plural

60. Masculine plural nouns with and without the infix –ov/ev-

61. Feminine and masculine nouns that end in -a

62. Feminine nouns that end in a consonant

63. Notes on nouns

Pronouns and Adjectives

64. Personal Pronouns

65. Other Pronouns

Attributive Pronouns

66. Possessive Pronouns

67. Demonstrative Pronouns

68. Indefinite Pronouns

69. Negative Pronouns

70. Universal Pronouns

71. Concessive Pronouns

72. Interrogative (relative) Pronouns

The declension of pronouns and adjectives

74. Noun declension of Adjectives and Pronouns

75. Notes on certain adjective and pronoun forms

76. The morphology of adjectives

77. Comparative and Superlative forms


78. Declension of numerals

79. Ordinal numbers

80. Collective numerals

81. Multiplication expressions←10 | 11→


Simple verb forms

82. Infinitive

83. Present tense

84. Imperative

85. Imperfect

86. Аorist

Verbal Adverbs

87. The Present Verbal Adverb

88. The Past Verbal Adverb

Verbal Adjectives

89. Active past participle

90. Тhe Passive Past Participle

Compound verb forms

91. The Simple Future

92. The exact future

93. The perfect

94. The Pluperfect

95. The Conditional Mood

96. Notes on formation of imperfective verbs

Immutable words


97. Adverbs of manner

98. Adverbs of quantity

99. Adverbs of place

100. Adverbs of time

101. Adverbs of cause←11 | 12→

102. Prepositions

103. Conjunctions

104. Interjections

105. Particles

106. Notes on word formation

VI Syntax

107. Word order

108. Congruence

Independent cases

109. Nominative

110. Vocative

Dependent cases

111. Genitive

112. Dative

113. Accusative

114. Instrumental


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2018 (September)
Linguo-stylistics Orthography Phonetics Morphology Narratology
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2018., 368 pp., 12 fig. b/w, 1 tables, 2 graphs

Biographical notes

Sanja Crnogorac (Author)

Sanja Crnogorac received a diploma in Serbo-Croatian Language and Yugoslav literature from the University of Montenegro, followed by an MSc in Linguistics from the same university, where she also worked. She earned a PhD in Slavistics at the University of Jena.


Title: Linguistic, Linguo-stylistic and Narratological Aspects of Early Montenegrin Short Stories