
Proverbs Are Never Out of Season

Popular Wisdom in the Modern Age

by Wolfgang Mieder (Author)
©2012 Textbook XVIII, 284 Pages
Series: International Folkloristics, Volume 7


This book takes an engaging look at the significance of traditional proverbs and their variation in the modern world. From sales pitch to propagandistic tool, Wolfgang Mieder looks at how we adapt proverbs to rapidly changing social attitudes – the original wording of proverbs changes to fit modern advertising slogans or political rhetoric, misogynist sayings become feminist slogans, and late medieval woodcuts illustrating proverbs find their modern equivalents in political cartoons and comic strips. The book is richly illustrated and contains name, subject, and proverb indexes.


XVIII, 284
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
significance variation slogans advertising
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2012. XVIII, 284 pp.

Biographical notes

Wolfgang Mieder (Author)

Wolfgang Mieder is Professor of German and Folklore at the University of Vermont, where he served for 31 years as the chairperson of the Department of German and Russian. He is an internationally acknowledged proverb scholar, the author of the two-volume International Bibliography of Paremiology and Phraseology (2009), and the founding editor of Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship (since 1984). His numerous books and articles are concerned with cultural, folkloristic, historical, linguistic, literary, philological, social, and political topics.


Title: Proverbs Are Never Out of Season