
Malaria in Africa

Challenges for Control and Elimination in the 21 st Century

by Olaf Müller (Author)
©2011 Monographs 194 Pages
Series: Challenges in Public Health, Volume 60


About half of the world’s population is still at risk for contracting malaria, and the main disease burden is now in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). As a result of the activities of a number of new and powerful Global Health Initiatives, malaria morbidity and mortality has recently started to decrease and the idea of eradication has re-emerged. This book provides a comprehensive update on the recent developments of the epidemiology of malaria and of existing strategies and tools for malaria control and elimination in Africa, which is discussed in the context of the long global history of malaria control. The main message is that the ambitious Global Malaria Action Plan of RBM will fail without serious efforts to systematically and massively strengthen the health systems of African countries.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Epidemiology Control Elimination Eradication
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2011. 193 pp., num. fig. and tables

Biographical notes

Olaf Müller (Author)

Olaf Müller, born in 1954; MD (1986) and PhD (1990) Free University of Berlin; MPH (1993) University of Hannover; Habilitation (2004) Heidelberg University; Medical assistant (1987-1991); Researcher and Consultant (1987-1997); since 1997 Senior scientist at the Tropical Institute, Heidelberg University; since 2007 Professor of Public Health at the Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University.


Title: Malaria in Africa