
Shifting Tides in Global Higher Education

Agency, Autonomy, and Governance in the Global Network- With a Foreword by Stanley Ikenberry

by Mary Allison Witt (Author)
©2011 Textbook XIV, 140 Pages
Series: Global Studies in Education, Volume 9


The increasing connection among higher education institutions worldwide is well documented. What is less understood is how this connectivity is enacted and manifested on specific levels of the global education network. This book details the planning process of a multi-institutional program in engineering between institutions in the US and Singapore as they develop a new model of collaboration. Contrary to what neoliberal or center-to-periphery narratives of globalization might lead us to expect, strong national and local governments, culture, and social relationships all play determining roles in the negotiations and resulting form of collaboration between these higher education institutions. Shifting Tides in Global Higher Education illuminates the value of examining particular places, incorporating diverse local experience into the narrative of global networks.


XIV, 140
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Internationalization Higher Education Globalization Singapore United States
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2011. XIV, 140 pp., 2 tables

Biographical notes

Mary Allison Witt (Author)

Mary Allison Witt is Assistant Director of Academic Affairs at the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Her research focuses upon globalization and political economy of higher education, and issues of equitable access to higher education. She received a PhD in educational policy studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Title: Shifting Tides in Global Higher Education