
Ethics in Foreign Policy

Postmodern States as the Entrepreneurs of Kantian Ethics

by Sárka Waisová (Author) Ladislav Cabada (Author)
©2011 Monographs 198 Pages


Two important positions might be observed in the discussion about the importance of ethics for international politics and the relevance of ethics for the theoretical analysis of international relations. Some deny any connection between ethics and international politics; others believe that moral values are an essential component of international relations. The contributors assume that in an epoch of military interventions waged in the name of humanity and just war it is impossible to deny moral and ethical demands in international politics. The main hypothesis of this book is that the post-modern states are playing the role of norm entrepreneurs and promote Kantian ethics in international relations. The articles analyse in five case studies the development in post-modern states towards a moral foreign policy. Canada, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, and Slovenia are included in this analysis showing that Kantian ethics in international affairs is the ideal-typical position, and that some states have developed a foreign policy tending to this position.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
foreign policy post-modern states International Relations Ethics
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2011. 197 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Sárka Waisová (Author) Ladislav Cabada (Author)

Šárka Waisová is head of the Department of Politics and International Relations and Associated Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, and associate editor of the Politics in Central Europe: The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association. She is author of several monographs, chapters in monographs and of many scholarly articles on (human) security, conflict resolution and theories of international relations. Ladislav Cabada is Associated Professor at the Metropolitan University Prague (Czech Republic), Associated Professor at the Department of Politics and International Relations and former Dean (2005-2009) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, and associate editor of the Politics in Central Europe: The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association. He is author of several monographs, including the first comprehensive book on Czech political system (together with Karel Vodička) and Slovenian political system. Since 2006 he has been working as the President of Czech Political Science Association.


Title: Ethics in Foreign Policy