
Selected Essays on the Success of Mergers and Acquisitions

Evidence from the Banking and REIT Industries

by Maximilian Keisers (Author)
©2010 Thesis 150 Pages


This study consists of three essays that analyze mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the banking and REIT industries. Each of them aims to fill a gap in existing research literature. The first essay examines four case studies on the success of mergers in the German public banking sector. The second analyzes wealth effects of European cross-border M&A in the banking industry for bidder and target shareholders; it also assesses the effects of applying the same transactions on a large sample of European rivals. The third essay investigates wealth effects of international M&A in the REIT industry for bidder and target.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Shareholder Value Wealth Effects Event Study
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2009. 149 pp., num. tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Maximilian Keisers (Author)

The Author: Maximilian Keisers works at a global financial services provider in Sydney and Frankfurt am Main, focusing on M&A and capital market transactions. Previously, he was a research assistant at the Endowed Chair of Banking and Finance at the European Business School (EBS) conducting empirical research and teaching postgrad finance focusing on M&A, LBO and behavioral finance. He studied Business Administration at EBS, Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and Melbourne University majoring in finance and information systems.


Title: Selected Essays on the Success of Mergers and Acquisitions