
Trends in Cognitive Linguistics

Theoretical and Applied Models

by Javier Valenzuela (Volume editor) Ana Rojo (Volume editor) Cristina Soriano (Volume editor)
©2009 Edited Collection XIV, 296 Pages


This book aims to give a general overview of the current theoretical and applied models which are being developed in the field of Cognitive Linguistics. With this purpose in mind, a number of papers have been selected from some of the most representative areas in the cognitive linguistics arena: mental imagery, metaphor and metonymy, cognitive grammar and construction grammar, the pragmatic and discourse background of language use and linguistic relativism. Some of the contributions presented herein propose new ways to refine existing theoretical frameworks: others apply some of those existing theoretical proposals to specific areas; and a final group aims to provide empirical grounding to some of the theoretical assumptions found in Cognitive Linguistics.


XIV, 296
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
conceptual metaphor construction grammar cognitive grammar conceptual metonymy
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2009. XIV, 296 pp., num. fig., tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Javier Valenzuela (Volume editor) Ana Rojo (Volume editor) Cristina Soriano (Volume editor)

The Editors: Javier Valenzuela is a Professor at the University of Murcia. His research concerns psycholinguistic validations of cognitive linguistic theories. Ana Rojo is a Professor at the University of Murcia. Her research involves translation, contrastive studies and psycholinguistic validations of cognitive linguistic issues. Cristina Soriano is a full-time researcher at the Swiss Center of Affective Sciences in Geneva. Her research involves the study of the relations between metaphor and emotion.


Title: Trends in Cognitive Linguistics