
Hawking Hits on the Information Highway

The Challenge of Online Drug Sales for Law Enforcement

by Laura L. Finley (Author)
©2008 Textbook XVI, 184 Pages


This book examines the phenomenon of online drug and drug paraphernalia sales, drug recipes, and information about drugs. Discussing the availability of products and advice regarding prescription drugs, steroids, and illicit drugs, the book also offers a profile of who is buying, selling, and sharing these products and this information. Additionally, Hawking Hits on the Information Highway examines the rise of drug testing as a vehicle of the war on drugs, and looks at how the Web has been used to market products and tips for cheating on drug tests. The book identifies the challenges for law enforcement and other bodies in policing the Web, and details how Internet-based sales are altering the war on drugs.
This groundbreaking book will particularly benefit students in college courses specifically addressing drugs, criminology, and law enforcement, and will be useful in any course examining wider social issues.


XVI, 184
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Internet Drogenhandel Drug World wide web Paraphernalia Drug testing Detox product Aufklärung (Kriminologie)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XIV, 184 pp.

Biographical notes

Laura L. Finley (Author)

The Author: Laura L. Finley earned her Ph.D. in sociology from Western Michigan University. She has taught high school social studies, and sociology and teacher preparatory courses at a number of universities and colleges. She is currently Director of Social Change at Women In Distress, a domestic violence agency in Broward County, Florida. Dr. Finley is the author of Juvenile Justice; co-author of Piss Off! How Drug Testing and Other Privacy Violations are Alienating America’s Youth and The Sport Industry’s War on Athletes; and editor of the Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence. Dr. Finley is the author of numerous book chapters and journal articles.


Title: Hawking Hits on the Information Highway