
Professional Education for International Organizations

Preparing students for international public service

by Dietmar Herz (Author) Marc Schattenmann (Author) Susan Lynn Dortants (Author) Stefanie Gallander (Author) Kristin Linke (Author)
©2008 Others 242 Pages


What does it take to work for an international organization and to succeed there? How can universities prepare their students for a career in international organizations? Answers to these questions come from in-depth studies at selected international organizations (EU, OSCE, ESA, UNEP, World Bank) and a comparative survey of degree programs and professional schools in the United States and Europe. The results are of interest to human resources managers at international organizations, faculty and program managers at institutions of higher education, and last but not least to students who aim for a career in international public service.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Karriere Förderung Studiengang Curriculumentwicklung Qualifikationsanforderung Public administration Human Resources International Organizations Internationale Organisation International Public Service
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2008. 242 pp., num. tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Dietmar Herz (Author) Marc Schattenmann (Author) Susan Lynn Dortants (Author) Stefanie Gallander (Author) Kristin Linke (Author)

The Authors: Dietmar Herz is Professor of Comparative Government at the University of Erfurt (Germany) and holds the Martius Chair for German and European Studies at the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). Marc Schattenmann is Junior Professor of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt. Susan Lynn Dortants, Kristin Linke, and Stefanie Steuber were research associates of the PROFIO research project at the University of Erfurt.


Title: Professional Education for International Organizations